Sunday, June 25, 2006

Last Night at Chat's

Last night I was at Chat's in downtown Orlando. Leading worship, sharing prophetically and teaching, and being blessed and prayed over for my life and our family in Christ in Cinci... Chat and Wendy run an incredible household of hospitality and grace in Orly, there... Many thanks to you for the love we share.

Lew in Florida

All is well in Grubbykupp Land, folks. Thanks for praying. The Father is caring for us all, daily. We are so glad to belong to Him. Our fellowship in cincinnati is focusing on our identity of belonging to Him, and bearing out the fruit of that... We are in Acts 2, again...

Lew is in Florida. You may know that through a wonderful confluence of reconciliation and miracle love we have been part of a church in Florida called The Body of Christ--a ragtag bunch of...LOVErs of Jesus... and US... Lew is among them, sharing spiritual gifts and soaking in the Jesus vibe there...

More soon to come. Lew's back on the blogin' horse. Thanks for praying...

Saturday, June 24, 2006


i owe you all a post of explaination... I haven't been posting because so much has been happening... this life is so intense. Judy had some small surgery and a big infection... my exchange kids have been leaving... the church has been in growing pains--things are great with church lately...

and i've been majorly learning some stuff and have needed nonverbal processing... lots of time in song and silence... not to mention that my little white g3 kinda pooped out on me...

so, I'll be back at ya soon.