Thursday, October 2, 2008

starting up some trouble...

Sam and i started up a little skateboard company this week. "Fickle Boards ltd." We've already got folks pre-ordering and whatnot... it is very fun... we're not going to stress, and the business plan is simple and easy to escape with our shirts...

i've been out skating almost every day now for a while... thanks to my heavenly dad that i'm not sick. if you read this blog, you'll know i get sick a bunch of times every year. i've been kinda fragile...

but i've been well the last few months. I got over the whooping cough in March, remember? That was amazing. God was so kind and faithful to me, and I needed the discipline. I can't tell you all what kind of helper my wife is to me. without her i'm sunk.

Judy does more than put up with me. She really really gives me strength... She is God's number one gift to me...

Well, today i have a lot of people to meet with and stuff to talk about, both skateboards, skate parks, and Jesus' church stuff...

I'm glad for all of you who keep coming back to check out what's up. There is a lot going on.
One thing that rocks and for which i give thanks to my heavenly dad is that we got ourBOILER replaced!! it's almost replaced that is... they're still working out the kinks and installing a thermostat today... it is an amazing new machine... the best out there... Lochinvar Knight modulating hoo ha...

best of all, God is with us!!!