Sunday, April 22, 2007

Verse of Day

Hey all... this morning, after yesterday's Grand Opening of the Delhi Skatepark, I got up, met with Abe B, pastor of a new church plant in our 'hood, plotted musical stuff for their Grand Opening...

Grand Openings are kind of the theme of our life here. There are all these new marriages, Chris and Sheena just moved into a GREAT place (grand?) right across the street in, of all places 1325 Chase--the house we were trying to buy a while ago...

Today's Biblegateway verse was Romans 1:20.

I spent yesterday with people whom I respect, love, and work with. These are excellent people to me. They are new friends, and I prefer their company to that of many. They are not like me. They don't have a Jesus Fixation. I like them. I don't need them to affirm me, or my Fixation. My Fixation causes me to like them better and deeper the more I know them.

In fact, the very Fixation of Jesus makes me so happy to be with my friends, and to work all the more for them...

This verse says that those outside Fixation will not be able to criticize the justice of God on the day of Judgment. I say "yeah." But what excuse do we who claim Fixation say to excuse our lack of genuine affection for one another and those outside our self-affirming clubs?

"Sinners" flocked to Jesus. Why?
His reputation was mud. May mine be, too.
Sinners flocked to jesus. Jesus was drawn to them, too.

we are indeed without excuse, before God. None of us really wants to fight that fight. We know we're wrong and He's right.
But the Great News is that there has been a Grand Opening of God's heart of love to us. He is saying he wants a Grand Opening of our hearts, too.

I'm loving my Grand Openings. I need them.


Thursday, April 19, 2007


Peter from St. Paul:
intriguing comments. Thank you so much.
shoot me an email and we can talk some about stuff. I'd love it. Thanks for the encouragement...

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Monday, April 16, 2007

A taste of the skate...

stoopy poopy

hey everyone! I've been away for a week in Florida, visiting our church folks down there. Back three days now and still haven't cleaned out the van or unpacked...
16 hours driving and managing kids.
more fun than you might think. I love driving around with the kids. Aaron and Seth are growing up so fast. Aaron's almost 13. I call him "dork" a lot. I never thought that sort of thing could be good for a kid, but he really has tremendous self esteem. He is a "cool" kid, at school.

Another thing about aaron is that he's losing the "chubb". He'll probly always tend to the chunky side, but he's shooting up and getting very very tall. 5'8", now. He laughed his head off when we considered the prospect of him not having "man boobs". Life with Aaron is very funny, once I get past the terror of our culture's teen-crazing crap.
He's addicted to an internet game: runescape. I don't think I care. Jesus saw me through much worse. So that's good.

Seth? He's five. Its all poop and farts and pee. "knock knock" "who's there?" Poop!
Knock knock

its all the same to seth. hilarious. love it.

and Andrew, our 18 year old exchange student/diplomat from the Republic of Georgia! He's reaady to go back and outlaw all pornography and legislate morality. He is frustrated by jesus, though, as he is learnign that making real changes in the heart is impossible through power and positional authority.
He's seeing the Jesus who loves sinners awake/alive... He's the Jesus whose table is set with scoundrels. When Jesus ate with the "righteous" he was likely to get kicked out or have a plot to kill him hatched.

Jesus pissed off poopy fartheads. there. poopy farthead religious guys. stoopy poopy old farthead religious guys always got freaked out.

aaah. that felt good.
i beg no pardon.
had to be said.

What Lew is always freaking out about...

When the Christian life becomes a life-
style and no longer a relationship with a Per-

rather than growing in the grace and
knowledge of the Savior, we will develop in
the art of refining, polishing, and perfecting
the flesh.

Then we can have the programs
and activities, methods and formulas, strate-
gies and procedures, systems and theologies,
political involvement and community ser-

...religious causes...

“how-to” seminars

and self-help books...

and even outstanding
character qualities—

all without Christ as
our sufficiency!

Our flesh is very creative
and knows how to make itself appear and
act spiritual. But it is still the flesh, and it is
rotten to the core!

Jerry Benjamin, Simply Singular: Is
Christ Prominent or Preeminent?, 22-23

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Lew, are you losing it?

I'm going to have trouble articulating some of my reactions over the next few months.

A lot of you know that, over the last 5 years, I have toured around local church-meetings on Sunday mornings while hosting the Church for dinner, songs, scriptures, prophetic words, and spiritual ministry. During this time I have not enjoyed much of what I've experienced, frankly stated.

I've been waiting, open minded, for the Real Jesus of the Bible, who is all radical, to really "show up" in these settings.

He doesn't.

Now, you may be a pastor, or a church leader. You may be one of the dedicated, devoted, busy people who feel pain when I say that. I have felt your pain. You have felt your pain. But is it so inconcievable that we (american churchgoers) have really messed this thing up? That we've settled for much less? That we, as church-culturers, have sold out? sellouts.

We have. You have. and this is good news--that will cost a lot.

read this

and let's weep.


Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Loving versus "Reaching"

Every time I hear Christians talk about "Reaching" the "lost" I get a little bit of throw up in the back of my mouth. Why?

You know, I'm around a whole lot of people in a week, lately. My two professions: Renegade Jesus People pastoral brutha, and Unpaid Rep for Effort Skateboards, land me in diverse groups. And one thing I'm getting is--INTOLERANT.

I'm getting intolerant of the condesceding way that well-intentioned, Christianized people talk about people who aren't Christianized... I see more Jesus in a day skating and repping to shops than I see in a week of the sunday schools I used to be supposed to organize.

I see people hanging in there.
I see people holding on for hope.
I see people living their dreams.
I see people sacrificing so others can have more.
I see people who suffer and don't complain.
I see people whose stories contain more danger and sorrow than mine...

and I see Jesus--the One from the Bible--scandalizing well-intentioned (we'll talk about how well, later) genteel folks by totally not judging the profanity and obscenity, depravity and despair, materialism and sensuality, of these people.
he isn't telling them what they already know.
he isn't reaching them with some package of truths...

He is LOVING them.
that means he takes care of them.
he shares with them.
he gives them what they need.
he doesn't "i told you so" them.
he doesn't cold shoulder them if they're gay, or lesbian, or on drugs, or smell bad, or have mental problems...
he also doesn't invite them to some meeting where their life is supposed to change.

so, so many of the people I know already have no problem believing in Jesus, outside the fact that the man just plain never shows up. He is repped by a church system that embodies the very things that Jesus railed on.

what a wierd planet.

So i hate the language of "reaching", when I am experiencing the Jesus of Scripture so much more powerfully among the "unreached" than I have among the "reached". Isn't this language evidence of a mentality? and this mentality... does it embody the Scripture in Matt. 9:12-13?

Jesus said it isn't the insiders that he came for, but the outsiders. In adopting the language of "reaching", and equating success with meeting attendance, haven't we become the very ones for whom jesus did NOT come?

In being "outside" i find: Myself. there. that's where I am.
I'm continually refreshed in my amazement at forgiveness.
I'm refreshed in my appreciation of the Biblical teachings on grace.
I'm broken by the story of the cross...
and the Spirit fills my life, and my mind...

less and less tolerant...

o how the fallen have become mighty.