Monday, February 9, 2009

miss you guys

lew misses not onlz the american kezboard, but zou guzs too... we are going to go get our rental car soon and then weäre off to belgium to see judzäs sister... i am hoping mz lizards and mz turtle and snake are well, and iäm worried about all of zou, too. i hope y

that is, all of zou jesus people in northside. love one another. donät fight. wait and pray. always tell the truth. do what is right, even if you have to slow down a lot. your plans are probablz not godäs plans, and if zou stick to them too inflexiblz, somethign will get broken, starting with the weak people around zou.

zou are not an island. zour decisions affect manz others, so be holz and bz that

there is no shame in being imperfect, adn even evil. the shame is in being too afraid to let it be known among similar saints. be open about zour failures, fears, adn the things zou know zou shouldnt want, but do.

zou maz find buried inm those things a seed of life that zou didn#ät recogniye.

be good to each other adn dont boss each other around. everzojne should be working hard.

share groceries and bills.

help each other dailz.

no mother shouild lack a babzsitter for her sanitz.

no man should be unloved bz his wife.

no woman should be afraid that her husband is too foolish to listen to Godlz counsel. no man should be too proud or ashamed to admit he is clueless and afraid.

things should be done together.

meals especiallz

take advantage of time when we are gone to prove that zou are disciples, not of

and be good to each other.

this is what makes singing so good.

big beard in germany

lets just saz that i am used to the beard causing a stir, and no where yet compares to the

it is cold, wet, and the food and companz are great.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

First real daz in Germanz

Well, one of the first things zou ought to know about mz first daz in Germanz is that the kezboards are a little bit different here. not too different, but different enough to keep zou entertained, since iäm in a rush and not going to change mz tzping. ##

i think the kezs that are transposed will become fairlz evident.

i hope to get mz iphone connected so i can put up pics that i have taken, then delete them from the iphone, since mz capacities are limited. too much music and video on there alreadz.

i canät express how mz loathing of air travel continues to deepen. if the koschmieders werenät waiting for us on the other end, and ina and Bob and so forth, i wouild staz the heck in america and keep driving everzwhere.

we love zou all and canät wait to be back, although here the food is good and the people are warmlz welcoming us. Todaz we toured a historical landmark in Essen. it used to be the worldäs largest coal mine.

jetlag is killing us all softlz.

i have been bumping mz head on the same spot in our attic quarters and have a big old goosegg there from multiple hits. kind of hilarious. kind of sad.

Well, i hope to be home in one piece.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

On our way to Germany

Well, judy and the boys and I got out just in time to make our domestic connection to head to Germany for eleven days. We will also hit up some family in Belgium.

Aaron and I will endeavor to get some footage at different sites, and skate some parks and spots, too.

I'll try to keep an update going for you. The first interesting thing was that a six-something Vans Vm dude named John was on the plane. Nice guy. (VM is visual media).

-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, February 2, 2009

Seth and sentences

Tonight Seth is working on the five "fingers" of a paragraph. His story is about dragons.

He likes dragons. Girl and boy dragons are different from each other. ...stuff like that. I think he is going to include something about dragons eating each other. ...and something about the shapes of their heads.

We are all learning so much.

-- Post From My iPhone