Tuesday, July 6, 2004

There is PRAYER this SATURDAY from 8PM until we're done. Come as late as 1am. Knock on the back door after parking in the lot.

This is where we're at. What we do as Christians MUST come out of our face-to-face with God. We have the choice to seek Him now, or just think up stuff.

Check out Isaiah 50:10-11

"Who among you fears the LORD and obeys his servant? If you are walking in darkness, without a ray of light, trust in the LORD and rely on your God. But watch out, you who live in your own light and warm yourselves by your own fires. This is the reward you will receive from me: You will soon lie down in great torment."

This refers to things that are eternal that have to do with relying on our own efforts, rather than Him. Let's not make the mistake of just trying to work it out! Let's be a people who seek Him!


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