Sunday, August 8, 2004

This is a poem from one of us:

Ears that don’t hear

Disillusioned by THE LIFE

Security void but present in body

Quiet and commanding at the same time

Unpredictable… moody

Never yelling but screaming

Messages not heard by the ear.

Consumed with analysis, moving with caution.

Using the senses to tell what was near.

Stifling desires to satisfy reason.

Keeping the peace or the illusion thereof.

Becoming whatever the time demanded.

What world are we in today?

What does our mouth have to say?

Hmmm…..haven’t heard that one before, but its ok.

Why did you wake up this morning?

It’s like taking off blinders and seeing what’s ahead

and finding you’re 5 miles high on a ledge

No one to catch you or even watch you falling…

But understanding….its our calling.

Do what you can to keep from fading away into a glaze of confusion and Incomprehensible rhythm,

Lying comforted by fear

Hearing the messages not heard by the ear.

Shut off your brain and make the world stop

Long enough to choose where you land

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