Thursday, February 3, 2005


Barb had an aneurism this year... Three, actually... That's the brain kind.

She's my next door neighbor, in the young sixties or late fifties, a gramdma--my son aaron is friends with her grandkids...

She and Randy (randy's my neighbor, too...) are retiring in the small rental property next door. There are a lot of maintenance issues (roof not draining, foundation sagging severely), but they don't say anything to the landlord because then the rent will be raised. On a fixed income, that'd be disastrous... So they keep remodeling and repairing the inside and working on it as they can, at their own expense, mostly...

This is how a lot of our neighbors live, in fear of a rent hike. They work hard.

Anyway Barb had an aneurism, tons of spinal taps, a repair job in her skull... And now she's on daily pain pills for the spinal damage... The two aneurisms that are left will be examined in a year or so...

And Barb wants to "get baptised" and "be saved". She knows it's time... And she thinks God sent us to live next door for that...

Whatdyou thinK?

Barb is so cool.

1 comment:

    We are making a convert by not trying to make converts...
    As I eat my sandwich, I feel my words going down with it. Hehehehe
    Maybe right after she comes up and dries off, we can start the prayer over the aneursim....
    Or even better, how about this week?
