Sunday, July 17, 2005

Many Days

Many days since last post... so much forming in our lives here in Northside...

In many of my last posts, you may notice how much effort I put into being "nice" about the way things are in our generation in regard to church, life, and Christ... There has been a lot going on among us to make us see that it is really important to "take the gloves off" for a while... more to come...


  1. .... Take the glove off huh?
    I am left wondering what this holds, and not totally sure I "want" to be yanked out of a comfort zone again. Of course, that's what Jesus is all about isn't it?

  2. I love you Lew. I just can't handle the pain anymore. "Rope a dope" and endure with strength? Maybe I need more training. Prayers all around. Grace.
