Thursday, October 27, 2005

no title

in the last three weeks i have:

...dealt with the health department about lead poisoning...
worked with adam's church at the Chase House on Saturday
struggled to keep focus as the need for greater organization impinges on the need to stay relationally healthy
had full table fellowship with people across racial, social, economic lines... regularly
Put plastic sheeting on some first floor windows with Greg
painted the 2nd floor bathroom ceiling with Adam...
picked Zach's brain
watched JP and Prari get to work on getting married
had Seth's 4th birthday...
Lent out the lawnmower a million times! yeah.
Yelled at kids, upbraiding them for "actin' the fool"
hugged kids
rubbed nappy heads
fed kids yummy snax
driven kids to school

it's been really busy here. So busy that there is only time to sit down and compose an entry about once every 4 days. Only now have i been able to use this opp...

We're experiencing some powerful stuff. read Zach Cornelius' blog to get a view on it. It's over there in the links.

Wednesday, October 5, 2005


Hey all,

we met a guy named Chris about a month ago. He has no legs and he was sitting by the highway panhandling, reading a bible and holding a cardboard sign. we came around to the spot later and found him at a bus stop nearby. After talking to him for a little while, we were sure that we should be family to this brother. He's one of us!

he doesn't ask for a lot. He's just falling through the cracks in the system. I'd like to eventually be able to have him close enough to us for us to be family to him on a daily basis. We'll be meeting with the church leaders of the church he used to attend. that is one very wealthy church (14 million dollar building under construction, now). We're hopeful that if we will "family" this brother that they will help with moving him out of the welfare hotel he's in, now.

Two days ago Chris called us for the first time since we met him. He asked if we might help him out. When we arrived, he was gaunt, malnourished, and at the end of himself. He doesn't get enough to eat, and the food he gets is mostly bad nutrition. If he had legs, he'd be working and fine, but he had to lose those to find Jesus, some years back.

Please pray with us and get in touch if you can help us. There's lead poisoning, monty got locked up last night, and Chris... we're beginning to really want to touch these lives... we're getting messed up by this... in a god way.

Monday, October 3, 2005

mount trashmore


Mount Trashmore

Road Trip: VA BEACH

took a big old trip to VB. Drove all day Thursday (14.5 hours). Judy had a business meeting Friday... I got the kids kites and they flew them while I skated Mount Trashmore Skatepark!
On Sat. I helped Doctor Eric move about 1.5 loads of stuff into his new house.
On Sat pm we left for a 12 hour trip home... On Sat the kids and Judy went to Neptune-Fest, and a lighthouse...

It is good to be back.

the hose was running when we returned... and we missed trash pickup... and the cats peed in the bathroom and food pantry...