Thursday, December 28, 2006

We had a great Christmas, and a vacation to the Outer Banks, NC. It was great.


You may have noticed a "content shift" of late. On purpose, that.

I post less when I'm serious, so I'll be leaving my deeper ranting on the GrubbyKupp blog... At least that's a plan. This will just keep you laughing with me... Love y'all...

Greetings to our families in Germany. Tim, Katy and all the family, we love you. More news to come...

All 4 Jesus Videos Together...

Weasel Stomping Day

Monday, December 18, 2006

Mike V - Greatest hits

fascinating to watch, as a martial artist and a skater. but I really liked the last quarter of it, where he concludes that nonviolent means are the best way--that violence only leads to bad things...
I'm posting this to keep track of it b/c it's a clear sign of where I come from...

When I was a kid, I had the Vallely Barnyard deck. I got it used off a guy. 9.5 inches wide. First of the new style of decks. I was living like I wanted to work for Bam, back then. Then Jesus comes and messes it all up. sweeeet. it's ironic to watch all 44 minutes of the vid, and see that Mike V is awakening to the point of how futile and dangerous it is to live by our own hands... that hardcore ethic gnaws at you... and can land you in jail, hospital, or hell...

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Never trust a Moustache

From bad to worse, the moustache carries a tainted legacy throughout the history of mankind. Only the beard has the power to put to flight this potent and restless evil.


I think this commercial kind of explains where I'm going with my beard. Unbelievably powerful, a good beard.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

call to prayer

how do we measure? what's our meter?
why, that'd be prayer...
Wednesday prayer times and special prayer times "...ARE THE CHURCH."

what I mean is that the church is the "Gathering." and the "gathering" is distinctly to be around the person of Jesus. Not around a leader, or an informational message, or a rote creed, or a comforting tradition...
We have all of those things operating among us, here, but the real "measure" of the Church here is that gathering which lacks any distinction other than the person named Jesus seated, no--enthroned--among us.

That distinguishes the times of prayer, waiting, seeking, crying out, and exposing ourselves to Him as the measure of this church. I hope that everyone who reads this realizes that this is the lifelong standard for us all.