Monday, December 31, 2007


yesterday morning's church time was...well, we're the church. No matter how it "goes", we belong to Jesus. There is something there that is much greater than anything else. so how do we measure it?

I'll tell you what. The Word came. There was a word shared by several people. It took form as they each shared their part, or asked their question. JP and Lew preached, some commented, some questioned...

I left the time together freshly amazed at the God who has chosen us for His dwelling on the sole basis of his pleasure: he is pleased to have us! That from Ps.132:13-14

We stood amazed as God clothed Jeshua the high priest in Zech. 3

...marveled at Jesus calling us his friends in John 15:15

...rejoiced in Romans 5's good news that God has loved us while we were still His enemies, how much more now that our hearts yearn to love Him back?

Colossians 2:12-14 spoke of the "death warrant" being cancelled--God is now longer angry at us!

Micah 7:8-9 spoke of how Jesus has plead our legal case before the Father. We are fully reconciled.

All of this bundles with words from Zech 3 and Isaiah 6 that show that, as Jesus said, we did not choose Him. He has chosen us.

Please, read through these scriptures this week and think on the very GOODNESS of the news in Christ! No matter how you may have failed Him, He is on your side. Just turn to him in your heart, trust His atonement on the cross for your sins, and start fresh WITH HIM, TODAY.
String together a bunch of TODAYs and we'll catch up on the other side...

and happy new year.

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