Monday, September 15, 2008

Manifesto Material

because people have lately been "coloring me" with the "house church" "brush", i've felt moved to provide a little "manifesto" material to help "clarify". If you want to paint, go for the Jesus-colored crayon. That is my biggest hope-- that I'd be something like Jesus, somehow. By His grace alone, I am and will be...
Here we go:

I have had a passion to equip people to live in an authentic church life, wherever they are.  Since by God's hand we have landed here in Northside, I've had the last 4 years spent in discipling folks in the city...  

Living a life that abides in Christ 
bears fruit that lasts
telling the truth
being the church, together
as a family
in obedience to our Lord's commands
working with our hands to have something to share
living quiet, humble lives
being godly 
at home
at work
speaking and spreading the Word of the Lord
everywhere around us
like a fragrance...  
watching our life
and our doctrine
in hopes of our own salvation
and that of our hearers

This is the root stuff of  my teaching, my writing, my living (O God that I would really LIVE with God, from God, unto God), 
and this is the root stuff of our life in Northside.  

No, we don't have a "mission" to "reach" some people group that is delineated by geography, economy, race or any other earthly measure.  We have a commission to preach everywhere to everyone and to make disciples that would bear lasting fruit...  We are blown by the spirit, as the testimony of every person who has found the Lord in our small group shows...  

Almost every single person in our group has been led to the Lord, or has been significantly discipled, or brought to growth in Christ, through another person in our church.  There is very little about our church that could hinge on any single person or personality, and almost nothing for which we could ever take any credit, though we do each take a certain pride in good work that we do from time to time.  This is a Biblical pride and not a stink to God.  

everywhere is our mission field. every person is our people group, starting with ourselves. We preach the gospel to ourselves, too.

may the Lord renew your heart!

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