Wednesday, March 25, 2009

with all that is going on around me, it has been virtually impossible for me to blog. it's all just too personal, real, fast-paced, and important to try to distill it into some "post".

i think raising a fish from the dead kind of summed it up. Jesus is real. life around here is filled with His stuff, daily...

some folks are between jobs. babies are getting borned. Danielmatt and Xtine had their little one just a little while back. got a text last night that David and Sarah's is a boy.

one of the best things of all around here is how folks have matured over the last 5 to 9 years... when we go away, there is a serious strength in the body... i love not being needed...

along those lines, i have been spending waaaaay more time "outside", with my skateboard company, Fickle Boards.

i don't even want to talk about how much i experience Jesus "out there" and how that reflects on so much of what has called itself "church"'s attitude toward outsiders...

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