Wednesday, October 27, 2004

There are so many things tearing at my heart's life in Christ, lately... good marriages take work and prayer, and are the testing ground of professed faith. I've managed by God's grace to press in over the last few weeks in spiritual disciplines, yet I feel more deeply broken and needy...

I guessI held the vain, evil opinon against which I have so often spoken, that life in Christ means esase of living and freedom from sorrow... but freedom from sorrow is freedom from passion--a fate worse than death

My flesh bleeds on the work of the day. My soul revolts against submission to the cross... That cross awaits me in the home, especially now that we're looking down the barrel of some major decisions: Judy's getting a promotion at CIEE, which will make her the major breadwinner and me the "housemaster"...

Ill have to take the bull by the horns and twist that monster to the ground, or I'll end up with a "tiger by the tail" with the dailies stripping me of spiritual discipline and ministry work...

As far as Grubby Kupp goes, 2Cor.8:10 is ringing in my head from a dream that I had a year ago...

and it sparks more dreams...

A house with young men living in community and mission "in the 'hood". Call them, Lord!

A 3-Car building for car-repair ministry to the Body and our neighborhood... This is one of the single greatest needs in our area. People like DanielMatt and Christine, JP, Sarah, Single moms in the 'hood, gangstas nearby, all need help.

A halfpipe for skate ministry at the house.

Waterballoon mayhem youth ministry startup in spring...

youth movie nights at the 3rd floor theater in the Chase house...

For people to deeply devote to Christ and live cheap, work less, quit the ratrace, and get their lives into the 'hood, with each other, put feet on street...



  1. Ya know who this is (or you will shortly)...
    But I keep this anonymous becuase my left should not know what my right does.
    In about a year, God willing, my job will roll in cash; and some of it will roll into the Ministry you are doing; and into your wages, for the worker is worthy.
    I tell you this only as an encouragement.
    People need what God can give.
    You and 'da Kupp have the passion and the calling to be the vessel to distrubitue God's gifts to the Northside area.
    However, this requires $$ (how freaking unspirtual is THAT?)
    I hope that I may be the fragmented pot that leaks money all over this minsitry of Christ.
    We (you, me, my wife and your wife) will sit down next December, and we are going to figure out how to make this all work out. Unless God does something drastic in the next 13 months; ministrys are going to be developed, and money is going to get worked out.
    This is good for us too, it will be hard to develope a love of money if it's always flowing out.
    Of course, for all I know, the Almighty might dump 1,000,000 into your checking account next week; just to prove that he does not need me! But he DOES need me to be sold-out to him; and if I can do that in the Northside area, so be it.

  2. The plans belong to man, but the answer is from the Lord. He will show His goodness in all times! I'm thankful for today and fearful about how the fulfillment of desires could destroy me... and others.

  3. ... but freedom from sorrow is freedom from passion--a fate worse than death

    Freedom from sorrow means you take on the joy of the Lord. Joy can only be felt by overcoming the experience of sorrow and grief. If you are talking about does not have to be sorrowful to be humble. True humility is freedom in and of itself. Putting another's needs above your own, putting the other person first. Passion is not equal to sorrow, it comes from sorrow, on the other side of sorrow, it is HOPE. Hope, Faith and Love create passion.....not sorrow. Just some thoughts on the subject.

  4. I love it!
    Who, in their right mind, will even want to help fix cars for gangstas? Can you imagine helping to fix a car that has been used to deal drugs, maybe even be used for a drive-by?
    Yet, in Christ, we are often called to be "not in our right mind", but just to serve Jesus by fixing someone's car.
    I just love this random droping of love.
    It's so crazy, and it makes no sense by the standards of the world. And is meshes perfectly with the word. It destabalizes me; and that's good, when I am destabalized by the heart of Christ that I see beating harder and harder within the fellowship.
