Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Well, things are continuing to shape up around here. The house across the way is getting moved into by Danielmatt and Christine, downstairs; JP, Zach, Staas, Chris, and some others upstairs... There are now 3 dogs in the mix, as well as one very light sleeper, so keep our conversation and communications in prayer this month...

Sunday night was wonderful... There are lots of new faces among us. We're perfectly "packing out" our big room. It fits about 20 in seats, and we were somewhere around there... The Message came to us around the Nature of Christian Perfection.

"Christian Perfection" is a difficult term. I bet it's been around a while. I'll write a post on it...

Visits to Tom, in County Jail down in Boone County, KY, have been good for us. Dr. Eric, JP, Prari, Zach, and others have all been down to see him. If you want to go, get to Chase House around 645am and we'll head. That's on Saturdays and Tuesdays.

Tom will be moving any day. Where he's going will be a mystery until after he gets there, and it's possible that he might be "incommunicato" for a month or more around that move...
He has been safe, and peaceful. He is transcribing the whole New Testament (he's alread at John 18), doing a lot of exercising, and spending time reading and getting to know other inmates... Some are interested in baptism, and bible study.

I am still waiting on some paperwork (credential stuff) so I can "get into" the jail and visit Tom past the six-inch glass.

More news soon...

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