Thursday, August 18, 2005


I'm writing this post to talk about our weekly 6am Bible Study.
In the last month I've failed to make it with shocking regularity. I think I have made 3 of the last 8. Something like that...

I made an agreement with one of our guys and I'd like to refresh it on a broader scale:

Since I've been having a lot of trouble getting to Bible Study (allmyfaultsosorry), would you hold me accountable and shoot me a call those mornings if you wonder (and even if you dont)? All you guys can!

I'm in a season right now where one week i'm on a trip to Philly, one week to VA, one week to NY, last night up above Dayton till midnight... The exchange student placement season is GRUELING... Judy is in San Francisco, I have two German Students sheltering with us... And I have a three-year-old and an 11-yr. old to look after the whole time, except Mon, Tues, and Thurs. from 10am to 2pm. So I have a lot more trouble getting up and remembering to set my alarm correctly...

I'm not attempting to make an excuse, though you may find material there to help you understand some "bigger picture" issues as to why I've been failing so badly in regard to this. I'm asking for help... So JP, Smitty, Zach, Justin, Chris, can you guys just shoot a call? It'd work, but none of you's tried it yet, even once! Come on, man! Help a brother out. Sometimes we need each others' help to be faithful...

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