Friday, November 25, 2005


i recently read over a post that I left last week, and I re-read a comment left anonymously by someone that counterpointed some of my assertions/statements...

part of that exchange was a discussion of motives and deeds.

this person asserted that motives, not deeds, were the main focus of the sermon on the mount. that Jesus is much more concerned with WHY we do what we do that WHAT we actually do.

I think this is true. I affirm this. Amen.

But what must Jesus think of all that we do NOT do? All the things we knew to do and did'nt? The one who knows the good he ought to do and does it not, sins. No?
And what is up with the New Testament constantly asserting that we will be judged on the basis of our deeds?

Look it up. look up the word "deeds" and see what happens to the idea that it's WHY that matters.

THAT IS AN INCOMPLETE-NESS THAT WILL RESULT IN SIN. We must ADD to a constant confession of motive, a passionate activity of OBEDIENCE.

Bottom Line. No flesh gets out. We're all bound to it.


  1. There is no holy motive that does not result in holy action. While untold scores of "religious" people will appear outwardly righteous, God sees the heart. But every one whose heart God sees as righteous, will walk "just as He (Christ) walked." (1 John 2:6) It would seem the point of your dissenting friend is moot.

    I appreciate your comment on my new baby-blog.
    Baruch atah ha shem Adonai Elohenu.
    (Blessed be the Name of the Lord our God.)


  2. what i'm really struggling with lately, james et al., is the toxic environment that has emerged as leadership has eliminated the challenge to deeds of love, using rhetoric about faith and motive purity. You know? they paralyze action through constantly quesitioning our motivations...

    in acts 26, along with scores of other places, we see that repentance (Biblical repentance) is ACTIVE (fruit bearing).

    We've got a navel-gazing, paralyzed, fearful-of-wrong-motives-so-I'm-not-gonna-move kind of faith going on here.

    Hey, all, pray for me. My motives are constantly evil and i sin so severely in so many ways, daily. Please pray for me. yet I know what to do when I see a brother in need, y'know? even if it costs.
