Thursday, April 13, 2006

Chris Challis Shot on Blue Rock

Chris Challis, our houseguest last winter for two months-- the brother who lost his legs 8 years ago, who moved into our neigborhood, whose place was getting robbed, who Crossroads helped with his rent...

...was shot two nights ago in Northside. He was hit in the abdomen, and is in critical condition at University Hospital.

There was a thing on channel 12, last night, where Lew and Zach were interviewed, too. This is such a sad time for us all. Let's all pray a lot for Chris' recovery, and that we can reconnect with him.

Last winter, just after he moved into his new apartment, while the local street crowd was busy robbing and harassing him, he gave into the pressure and invited some people from the neigborhood to move in with him. He was soon pulled under a current of peer pressure and "old ways" of living.
It was very hard for us, but he hasn't wanted to be around us fo the last 4 months. We have been waiting and praying for him to draw near again.

Please join us in praying that we can be of service to Chris in his healing and convalesence, as well as in his full return to the life of Kingdom and Christ...

written quickly on pda. please forgive weaknesses and faults...


  1. I saw this on the news last night. He is definitely in my prayers.


  2. We are with you all in Spirit!

    I love your heart of compassion towards Chris, it is the heart of Jesus.
