Monday, January 22, 2007

update; monday morning

a LOT is going on. I'm sorry if i haven't returned your phonecalls (erwin) I'm getting to it...

it's like unburying myself, daily, while herding cats. and i love it.

I thank God for all of you who keep up with us.

THE BOILER: Holding. I patch it periodically with more cement, and our house is equipped with a warning for CO. I won't worry about replacing it until it stops working, or our CO detector beeps a lot...

Still a problem. The gutters have sticky-patch on most of the holes (the ones I found). I listened this morning to the drop-drop of water sitting in the gutters, finding its way into the walls over the Stairway window... There's snow up there, melting down, you know.
I haven't made any final decisions yet, but repairing Box gutters at 100 dollars a foot is challenging to my faith and mind...
Please pray...

A third floor socket burned up. two inches of the wire had its insulation burned off. Our electrical system needs to be replaced. I am opting for a quick spring rewire, hopefully after a roof replacement. Maybe I'll tear off the box gutters, eh?
I'd like to rewire with exposed conduit, like so many of the stores and coffee shops around us. It's not bad looking witha good paint job, and the speed at which we can do it is incredible.

Our "resale value" will be heavily impacted if we rip off the box gutters and rewire with exposed conduit, but this house isn't about real estate adn making a buck. It's about Jesus, and PEOPLE, and love.

I'm grateful for all who read this and join in prayer with us...

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