Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Season of changes

We've had some changes this season, besides the weather. Our main community meeting has moved to Sunday mornings, over breakfast. With 2 babies on the way, and a one-year-old among us, evening meetings were becoming a thing of the past... On top of that, there're the 14-yr. old, 13-yr., 9-yr. and 5yr. olds... Wow! We've gone from a gritty troupe of misfit christians to being a mob of young married with children misfit christians...

Think of the babies! WHat fun we'll have with these little dudes crawling around as we pray and sing. First of the two newbies is due in November... the next in March...

Would you please join us in prayer? As usual, all this is happening in the midst of an intense level of spiritual warfare and gritty daily life, with actual, real daily problems and frictions... we need the grace of God to really flow, here...

Some of us need job changes.
The Chase house needs a sink plumbed in on the first floor...
There's a sense of dryness in regard to the things of the Spirit...

By the way, there was a notable physical healing among us last week!

And won't some of you readers out there come and visit? There are some folks we'd love to share a table with, outt there...


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