Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving Day

I got out with my friend and brother Danielmatt to do a bit of chronicling today. I'm not ashamed of my fairly mediocre skatboarding talents. I am what I am because God made me and has guided my life. I am more than content with these earthly trappings. I'm... I'm... thankful.
Yes, today was thanksgiving and I got to hang with Judy and fam, work in the Kitchen, have a big meal with friends, skateboard in the rain, and see a cool hailstorm. Thankful? Yes. for way more than skateboarding, too. Starting with the cross of Jesus, and ending at the cross of Jesus, I'm thankful for it all... It was a good day for me to think back on the last 4 years we have spent here... (we're actually going on 4) and consider how, through circumstances I didn't understand, our Father has been working for good. Our good. the good of many... heck, I don't even know all the good He'll squeeze out of us in the coming days. I just know I'm more willing to trust Him in extreme circumstances, and in the midst of suffering than I was before. I hope I'll also be more effective in encouraging us all to be willing to suffer for the Lord. That's what "take up our cross" meant. Willingness to suffer. that's the actual meaning of the word "passion".

Thanks to God for JP and Prari, Bobby and Melissa, Danielmatt, Christine, Malachi, Trues, Chris and Sheena, Lauren, Sam, and all the saints who season our daily life with Grace, here...

Thanks for you, too, readers. May willingness to suffer for the Lord season your every pursuit, no matter how mundane, vain, or silly.
He Lives!

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