Friday, April 11, 2008

The Poor: Romans 12

Associate with the Lowly...

Jesus who was rich, became poor so that we, through His poverty, may become rich.

Along the lines of Matthew 25, we realize that the least of these His brethren, are important! We become passionate about this.

We read James and read how we're to avoid that gravitation toward affluence that gives preference to the things of rich-ness, and rich people... We see that we are to esteem the poor in this life (among the church, all of this so far) as greater in the faith and the Kingdom of our Lord...

As people of the Word, a core value, a passion, a reality from beyond and before us, begins to drive us. We begin to pray differently. We have a passion to be near Jesus, and we know where that will take us, no?

Perhaps this is the driving reason behind so many of the forms of Christianity that we see today. Affluent, meeting-based, drive-in/drive-away, hand-out, quick-visit missions, drive-by servanthood... These are forms of godliness that deny the real power of God, my friends.

1 comment:

  1. i think those forms of godliness, lack a certain sacrifice ie. your comfort zone. Not that these acts are not genuine. Not that I am the poster child of throwing off my comfort zone. to be with the suffering, makes you, well, suffer. Not so we can pat ourselves on the back thinking what a great days work we have done, but so another layer of our face gets peeled. so a little bit more of us dies. it is soooo scary but He will not leave us.
