Friday, January 30, 2009

somehing about scriptures

You guys know what? You seriously need to bring those pens and papers and list those scriptures on Sundays. If you don't do that, ask Lauren for her list! She is the official scribe, now. Thanks and hats off, Lauren! ...and tell Sam we all said "Hi"! haha, just kidding. but seriously, "Hi, Sam."

oh and also, hey, when I put a post up here with all those scriptures, it's fun to get the Biblegateway going, but it's better for your head to open up a paper bible and flip to them and annotate the cross-referencing and to do all that stuff, like note-cards and journaling andall that old-school paper stuff.

and by saying "'s better for your head..." I mean "Hey, make me a happy older brother dude and get your danged Bibles out and pour over this stuff!" In a minute you'll be wise and snappy!


snappy. hmmmm. maybe that coffee was TOO good.

wise and snappy. what next?

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