Tuesday, September 21, 2004

"...about to move..."

Well, there hasn't been a lot of time for blogging, lately. What I want to tell you is that things are really about to move...

In prayer times and counsel with each other and the Holy Spirit, we are all sensing that there is a building storm of activity that is rising up, spiritually.

In the physical sense, there is a build in every aspect of our community. Intensity and regularity of corporate prayer, depth of care for one another, outpourings of support for each other and encouragement in the Word...

Our sunday meetings have become a time of deep and encouraging sharing. We eat for at least an hour and a half, then we sing until we're done. This time of singing is carrying us into a precious experience of Jesus. It's wonderful to sing as a circle of worshippers, rather than as spectators at an event... Then, we start to share the Word from our lives--that's powerful... It's done as a circle of disciples, gathered around the feet of Jesus... Not leaderless, but led by Him. Then, we spend time praying for each other...

During the week, there are times we devote to study, prayer, and fellowship that punctuate a deepening interdependence... The Church is growing, here where there is no church...

Here are some things that have happened this month, though:

Retreats with leaders...listening and praying and sharing about the ministry's development here...

Visits to some friends who are doing stuff like this...

Lots of folks staying over at the house because God's good stuff went too late...

Tons of food together...

Saturday Night prayer times

Sunday night family sharing

Wednesday 6am mens sharing times @ Clifton Starbucks

Thursday night Scripture slam-down at Lookout Joe's

Tuesday night Ladies' time @Lookout Joe's...

Chase Mission House developing into a reall center of community...


For the coming storm of developmental activity that the Holy Spirit has told us about...

For all the discipleship and evangelism that's going on here

For provision

For our brothers and sisters in Kenya

...and for Prari who just came back after 6 months there...

Our kids are well and growing. Judy and Lew are blessed and busy with awesome life stuff... Mr. Weiss is prospering and doing well. JP is living at the Chase House now and doing fine... Our daughters -- Zara and Pianan, who are here for 10 months as high school exchange students-- are really doing well...

we hope you are blessed...


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