Wednesday, October 6, 2004

The Map Room

Last night I went down to Old Saint George in Clifton--That's a monastery/cathedral that got turned into a coffee bar/community center/bookstore... Anyway, there was this thing there that was organized by my friend john wallis who does this thing called josiah's window around the university--he's the American Baptist Campus minister guy, recently appointed with a radical vision for old school love in Christ... It was a great event last night! There was this whole cathedral, with the center open, with coffee and cookies yum-yum... And in the front of that was this cool video about God and His love and what it means to really live as a Christian... it had U2 in it... very cool, very stripping of the soul... Then on the sides there were sectioned off parts for Prayer, Chilling on Couches, Stations for praying that were really interacive, and this "labrynth" thing that was really cool... My kids, Aaron and Seth (Zara and Pia stayed home) were totally there, too... it worked! They enjoyed the whole time, and we were there for like 4 hours!!! This thing'll be going every month. It was great and I loved it... Thanks John and Larry and Lilly and everyone who did it... It really rocked in spiritual encouragement...

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