Tuesday, March 8, 2005

getting to know Northside

I've been enjoying the last month immensely. I've been getting acquainted with a lot of "locals" here in Northside.

You see, there's a lot of "Northside Pride", here. People shop here to support businesses, not for price. People really believe in this neighborhood. It's not such a beautiful place, though, aesthetically, but it draws a very diverse and cultured crowd.

Anyway, today I met the Business Assoc. President. I like him. Reminds me of Uncle Jack. Bob's the name.

I was introduced to him by Peter and Victoria, two cultured and interesting people I have met at the Sidewinder Cafe over the last month. They told him about my work with exchange students.

He asked what else I do, and I said, "I work extensively with Foreign Exchange, as does my wife". I didn't mention the Grubbykupp ministry thing, or house church pastoring, or coffeeshop studies, or anything...


I didn't feel like it.


because I felt like they just wouldn't understand.

Oh, they're smart, and they'd understand everything I would explain to them and that would be that.
And that's not how it WAS, before I took on Professional Religious Person as a title.

I'd rather have Peter and Victoria and Bob discover Christ IN me, as we pilgrim this planet...

I'd rather share the Gospel as good news, not profession.

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