Thursday, March 3, 2005

Month Off from Blogging

I've taken about a month off from blogging, mainly because Judy's computer crashed, and I couldn't use mine with the same rhythm...

Today a kid in the neighborhood urinated on our car. Gotta love it. He did it in response to my lecture about respecting our property. Cool.

The girls are having a time at school. Their teachers are the best ever. They're enjoying youth group at the Vineyard church and eating daily.

We went to Spain a week ago, and I spoke Spanish every day, a lot. I loved it. Seth was sick when we got there, but rested in stroller and seat while we toured a bit... Watched a lot of cartoons in Spanish with the boys. Judy worked the CIEE meetings and had a good time with her team, but got the dreaded illness on the tail end of the trip. Aaron was a rock the whole time, logging mad gameboy hours with Dimas, a friend whose mom is Judy's colleague.

I quit lent for lent, but Father keeps teaching me, anyway.

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