Monday, August 28, 2006

poetry and art

i was in the xian bookstore the otherday, loading up on books. Barna, Driscoll, Crowder, macLaren, New Testaments that look like magazines, a Bible for Andrew...

and i read a lot of it withing a couple days. no kidding. once i started reading, i just burned through it... that isn't my point, though.

what i saw is that there isn't really a market for poetry and art... i went to an art show in indy the other day to see prari's art. She got her stuff on the wall there. it was so cool...
and i've been writing again--little black notebooks and my laptop and my guitar out... i'm sure that there's a book, some songs and poetry coming out of this slop...

and i don't care about "market", but what people buy describes and determines them... we are formed in part, by the menu. We choose from among what we are offered... they only offer what we choose...

So how do i find the poetry that will uncork my bottle of tears? It's been so long since i've been touched... who dares to be that poet? And who will write the song that drains my fears? something that reaches deep down and gives me a YANK... Where do i find it?

I'm in the sidewinder this mornign with my guitar--yes they let me have my guitar out as long as i'm not a nuisance-- and my books and notebooks...

There are so many xians out there starting coffee shops and wanting to create "scene" and "matrix" for this stuff--market notwithstanding...

i sat in mcMallChurch, and there were no poets, no places to create, no place given to art... it is swept clean, like a warehouse/clearinghouse for truthculture.... now and then there's a vagabond bohemian... i saw him and his wife and his beautiful little daughter...

if i had my guitar out in mcMallChurch, would i be welcome? i should try it... or should i? if i took advantage of that space to create, synergize, and share, would i be a disruption? of what? or could that create movement? new wine? wineskin? must we always go somewhere else? i don't know...

Lil News

This has been a busy month. JP and Prari moved three blocks away to Lingo St., where they are encountering a new atmosphere. It's a lot rougher feeling over there than it is now, here at 1320 Chase.
Chris is across the street in the efficiency, awaiting his wedding to Sheena, who has moved into the Chase house until the day... How nice to finish engagement as neighbors. it's great to be able to "family up" with them...

The guys house is in the flux of repentance and pressing in to the Lord... Three of five are growing closer than ever to Jesus. Two of five are deepening in loving leadership...

Zach is working for Bobby in Thrift industries, up in hamilton... His wedding pending... Laurel is nursing and living in Clifton...

This little group of christians here in cinci has bee really stretched and blessed this summer... my what heat! Today is a rainy day, almost september... sweet...

I'd love it if someone would leave a question about this little group of Jesus people for me to answer. What would YOU like to know about this experience? How can we encourage you? What part of the story would be helpful?

no describing

sorry, i can't describe these days to you. it's so nice of you to check, but these days are unknowable. This blur--this smudge of experiences that make this day... incredible.
I wish you were here, with me, experiencing these days together...

in heaven i suppose we'll understand each other, won't we? the things that separate us will melt in the light of the Savior's--His Self... Him. Until then we skate on the impossible...

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Sunday Sharing at the Orchard church

Lew and Chris went with Judy and the Kids and Andrew the Georgian to the Orchard's meeting this morning... we shared songs and testimonies and a brief word about the Kingdom and it's King.

Thanks to all who check this and pray. it has been very encouraging to receive your comments. It amazes me that you still check, even though I've been off for so long.

Thanks to all at the Orchard who received us so graciously and encouraged us in our spirits...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


this summer has been heart surgery to me... anyone left checking this blog will note my long absence... that's because a lot of what has motivated my posting is gone. the angst, the sense of disappointment... a lot of that has been soothed by what our Father is doing in my life and in our family.

Things are still as they are. There are still difficult truths for us to engage, as the church in the world--one of which is that what is called church in so many places is really NOT the church... but my heart is touched by the Father's infinite love and patience with us...

drinking from healing streams...

Time in DE

I write this from the home of John, Sydney, Jacob, Evan, Hadley, Bailey, Simeon, Solomon, Noah, Micah, Isaiah, Anna, Malena, Casey, Quinn, Cecilia, and Seth (still in China). Yep, I'm with Aaron, Seth, and my new buddy from the Republic of Georgia--Andrew. We're in Delaware for a few days with these guys... We've been here more than two days and it's been great...

It's incredible to be able to see... people who are doing it--living the life described in the Beattitudes. They're doing it every day. the meekness and the patience and the persistence of the gospel, lived out in daily life...

They all do their chores each morning after breakfast. Beds get made, floors get sweeped, dishes cleaned, everything--all in a beautiful, authentic, chaos... like a salt and pepper tornado of round heads, beautiful braids, and blondie locks, swimming about... Singing, laughing, yelling, crying, screaming... playing outdoors, building forts, skateboarding, bike riding...

It's great to see a huge, american-typical, house--you know, in a neighborhood full of large houses... and this house is full of life. The kids are playing, and the cars in the driveway are all "not new", not status symbols, and there are guests parking next to the driveway... and it's living large...

Some neighbors are lobbying to have them sanctioned by the neigh.assoc. for having too many children. there have been complaints about the children playing outside.

When they went to church one time, one of their kids noted that the other kids don't have bumps and bruises on their legs. It's because most kids don't build forts outside, or dig, or jump, or bump around like them... no kidding. suburban, affluent america is more sedentary and sated with entertainment than ever... no kidding... it's real...

there's no danger from that kind of difference, though. the assoc will never touch them because there are lots of folks here who don't care about that kind of small stuff... they are a great family for this ney-hd.

We visited NY for about three days, and here for about three days... good trip...