Monday, August 28, 2006

poetry and art

i was in the xian bookstore the otherday, loading up on books. Barna, Driscoll, Crowder, macLaren, New Testaments that look like magazines, a Bible for Andrew...

and i read a lot of it withing a couple days. no kidding. once i started reading, i just burned through it... that isn't my point, though.

what i saw is that there isn't really a market for poetry and art... i went to an art show in indy the other day to see prari's art. She got her stuff on the wall there. it was so cool...
and i've been writing again--little black notebooks and my laptop and my guitar out... i'm sure that there's a book, some songs and poetry coming out of this slop...

and i don't care about "market", but what people buy describes and determines them... we are formed in part, by the menu. We choose from among what we are offered... they only offer what we choose...

So how do i find the poetry that will uncork my bottle of tears? It's been so long since i've been touched... who dares to be that poet? And who will write the song that drains my fears? something that reaches deep down and gives me a YANK... Where do i find it?

I'm in the sidewinder this mornign with my guitar--yes they let me have my guitar out as long as i'm not a nuisance-- and my books and notebooks...

There are so many xians out there starting coffee shops and wanting to create "scene" and "matrix" for this stuff--market notwithstanding...

i sat in mcMallChurch, and there were no poets, no places to create, no place given to art... it is swept clean, like a warehouse/clearinghouse for truthculture.... now and then there's a vagabond bohemian... i saw him and his wife and his beautiful little daughter...

if i had my guitar out in mcMallChurch, would i be welcome? i should try it... or should i? if i took advantage of that space to create, synergize, and share, would i be a disruption? of what? or could that create movement? new wine? wineskin? must we always go somewhere else? i don't know...


  1. I was receintly at willow (mcMall Church of them all... well I guess that would be Lakewood),... I talked with some of their volunteer artists (which they have artwork displayed all around) and I was brought to tears. Their artwork expressed things that I have tried so hard to articulate but have not been able to. I litterly stood there and wept as one lady blessed me by showing off her art and the story behind it.

    amazing how God can speak though more than a 35 min. sermon.



  2. I was receintly at willow (mcMall Church of them all... well I guess that would be Lakewood),... I talked with some of their volunteer artists (which they have artwork displayed all around) and I was brought to tears. Their artwork expressed things that I have tried so hard to articulate but have not been able to. I litterly stood there and wept as one lady blessed me by showing off her art and the story behind it.

    amazing how God can speak though more than a 35 min. sermon.



  3. some pretty cool insights you got here. it's interesting also to look at historically how a culture functions. specifically here, how many western cultures generally put a big emphasis on logic, reason, and a future or past time reference, while many central or eastern cultures emphasize the present, experience, and creation. i think it'd be fun to talk to some Christians from Korea or Kazakhstan regarding this stream.

    love homey,
