Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Today I laughed until I cried

This little kid is my son, about 6 months ago... Not even that, maybe. Seth is growing up so fast.

Today was a preschool presentation day, and I went to his school to watch him say, "I am W.E.B. DuBois." He had a tie and suspenders... it was HILARIOUS!

and he's not so "little" anymore. And he can do a ton of stuff for himself, now.

If we survive this planet, by the sheer gift of our Father, It's presently unimaginable, how it will feel to see him as a man. What relief? I don't know...
I already miss him as a baby, but I'm able to be about some good stuff, while I'm not changing his diapers and keeping him out of the road, too. I don't mind the growing up.

But will I ever hold him, again, like that? I think not.
maybe someday, when he's sleeping, he may remind me of the days when he didn't worry... when he didn't know how to fear, or worry, or sin real bad...
...i don't envy the children their growing up in this world, dude. I grew up and now I'm a soldier, an athlete, a farmer... I work and i sweat to follow Jesus.
I feel so surrounded, too. you know? There's so much static and lacquer that cover over the voice and beauty of Jesus, around here...

will our local christians renounce the pollution of the world and start to make sense? We're rich christians in an age of hunger...

and when I see my little son, I weep. really i do...

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