Thursday, September 20, 2007

Crime and Darkness

In this neighborhood (check out Lewminator for the news link) we've been having a LOT of crime for the last 20 years. Lately there's been a push from the city and some well-monied groups (glbtq) to nice-ify our area...

The tension on the streets is thick. When I walk with my family down the sidewalks I hear the loud comments about white people forcing out the black people. Cinci is a terribly divided city. What's new on planet earth?

Well, for one thing, Jesus has come. He has brought light to this dark world. When I walk these streets, my imagination strays to the reality that I walk among angels, both good and evil...
...that one day I will stand in judgment of angels and nations...
...that any time He could return...
...that hard times are coming on the churches that love the world...
...that great joy lies before the saints who persevere...

all our bikes got stolen, again (like 3rd time)
a neighbor kid now lives as a son in my house (check lewminator)
five households now call Northside their home as Mission...
we live for His pleasure...

being a candle is precious in such a dark world. this little light of mine...

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