Friday, September 28, 2007

One thing I want

One thing I want, as Lew--the so-called "Leader" among the saints of Just some Jesus People here in Northside (i'm just your brother: a servant)--is to have a lot of jesus' people in the scripture, regularly, together.

One simple way I want to equip that is to commend everyone to the Proverbs, daily. These are the sayings and riddles of the wise, inspired by the Holy Spirit. There are 31 Chapters, so you only need to follow the enumeration of the calendar to all be together.

Today is the 28th, and among today's proverbs I found v.25.

"He who is of a proud heart
stirs up strife,
But he who trusts in the LORD
will be prospered.

I thought, "Hey, if you have strife and interpersonal tension surrounding you all the time, as many of us experience in our lives, maybe this proverb contains a secret for you." Did you ever wonder why, during some seasons of our earthly sojourn, we are met with strife at every turn? Sometimes it's the fruit of our own heart and lips. We are proud, sometimes, and during those seasons we reap that fruit in strife.

Do I have a proud heart that is stirring up strife around me? Very interesting. I know that this question has been helpful to me today. I pray it will build you as well.

And I'm challenged at the balance of the proverb--that trusting in the LORD will bring a prosperity. I can see so many places in my heart where I haven't trusted the Lord. I need to. So do you. It will smooth the way, as people push us and poke us, stab at us... circumstances that terrify our inner child rise up, and we trust the LORD, we'll have peace and our gentleness will be evident to all.

Gentleness replaces defensiveness. It takes trust in the LORD. The solution to the strife that surrounds us isn't in resolving the relationship with that person, sometimes. (usually) The solution is in deepening our surrender to Trust Jesus.

...and that's good news.

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