Wednesday, January 16, 2008

enough whining about the weather. I've got a lot of great stuff going on around me. From Judy's work with foreign exchange, which keeps us in contact with people around the world, to my kids' school and daily skateboarding and stuff like that... to Sam, who lives on our 3rd floor and lights up this house with so much love. thanks for allt he dishes you do, bro.

this winterr has been so much different from so many that came before. I'm not sick, thanks be to God, for the first January in forever. I really do think it was the wisdom teeth, afterr all. I got out my last 2 last march, and I gotta say, that really hurt for a long time, but feelign is almost back in my tongue on that side, and I'm not sick and dragging all the time.

I'm getting more and more involved in efforts to get skateparks built in our city, too. I've been talking with a lot o fpeople lately and I see a coalescence of people who would like there to be good spots set aside for skateboarding in the cityscape. Why aren't there quality provisions for skateboarding within the reach of our metro routes? There should be, and hopefully will be, soon.

working on the Northside Park will be a start, I hope.

Well, I hope you're all okay. really. Peace.


  1. hey lew, i have a present for you. next time you come over to hang out with david, i'll give it to you.

  2. sent you email this morning...
    love ya

  3. The guitar, that must mean a lot to you, was getting its initiation into "Life with Lew". It is now looked death in the eye, and 'won'.

    When we were first 'real' missionaries on miss'y support, I used to wonder "Do the kids and I really NEED an ice cream on this hot day?", since the funds were given to us for use in the "Mission Field". whwhwhoooo. I found out that there are needs and needs. Your guitar is a need. And does the insurance cover the case too?? (hee hee)
    Come to lex again and talk to us. Our family is well, Antony is in Asbury after a release early from his former stuff. YES! Tom has flu and JoZe continues to skate, even after the 2 pins are at last removed from the left arm.

    Be blessed friend, Aureol

  4. the weather is beautiful! ;) I might not be like what it was when the world was young, but I'll take this to the stuff they deal with in the tropics.
