Saturday, February 23, 2008

More than a Month?!!

amazing... i made a shift a while back to writing on paper more often. in 4 weeks I filled an entire "Moleskine". some of it is good enough... it might actually help someone. someday... probably after i'm dead...

sitting at the big table with a cup of coffee and some donuts. Saturday morning. Yesterday was a snowday. There was sledding. Miserable, rainy, whiny sledding, and a visit to Bobby and Melissa up north in West Chester...

i've started helping a friend of mine with his skatepark design firm. yeah, i just called it a firm. i like that tirm.

you should taste this coffee. no. really. you should. you should come to cincinnati and stay a few days and see what beauty there is in a small communion of saints who live like this.

Last night, Judy and I had dinner at the Trues' house. Baby Isaac is an incredible little dude. He seems to like my speaking voice. That's nice.

We have a Brazilian Exchange student living with us. His name is Marcelo. He's great! We hold out to the end of the season and only host if necessary, with all the increases in activity around here. marcelo came in January. He'll stay 11 months.

We just finished the week-long stay of a Kuwaiti student. He was great! an avid and passionate rollerblader, looks like we may design a park for them, over there. Funny thing, I'm in contact with a Saudi dude about a park over there, too...

Well, i trolled a bit of news and had a bit of reggae on Pandora and now it's time to get moving...

thanks to all who read here. I'll try to be back soon.

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