Friday, July 11, 2008

Fasting: be good to your guts

smoothies are good, keep you able to work, and you're still "empty".

beer was invented by dudes who fasted for a long time every year. Monks. you know how monks get so chubby?
in fact, beer lore is littered with monks. Now, for all of you coming out of the party lifestyle, steer clear of the beer! have a smoothie.
Also, they didn't have cars back then, so a beer for lunch and a nap and then you're back to illuminating some text... or something...

beer isn't a good thing to drink if you're fasting because you get drunk.

but smoothies, especially homemade ones, are really good. I just wanted to show you that liquid refreshment has long been considered cool for fasting... we good? good.

I like a smoothie because it has a lot of good stuff in it, and tastes good and i make them myself, but i still feel empty and notice that i'm not eating...

But if you can go on water alone for the first 2-4 days of total "hunger sickness", you're gonna shut down and get "light". That's a kinda dangerous state. Your guts have slowed to almost a stop and you're gonna need to restart them gently.

no one does this.

I know a dear man who restarted after a long fast with a plate of beef and noodles.

hospital stay. really.
tore up.

so please, please be good to your body and if you're gonna shut down and really get a serious fast on, consider the pipes, eh? start back up slow with broth, then soup, a fruit meal, and then on to the main stuff...

If you fast for more than a week, you should spend at least 2 days restarting yourself gently. This is hard and almost never works because we are so HUNGRY after a fast. Wow. hungry...

One time i ate a ton of oreos after a fast...
that's a mistake. My guts were fine, but my system was shocked.
i attribute bad habits for the five years following to the way i mishandled the re-entry off that one fast, so please pay attention to good sound health advice when you fast...

i am not a medical professional. please don't treat me like one... if you don't know how to fast, try not eating for a while and see if that helps. For medical considerations, check with a doctor. just be good to your guts, eh?


  1. Dude,
    All good stuff. I appreciate it. However, the idea of beer on a fast does not seem good to me, so I am not surprised that it is not good...or something.
    I am in the "praying about fasting" stage and have really had it on my heart the last couple weeks.
    Thanks again, and I will avoid the beer.

  2. this has got to be the most hilarious post on fasting I have read...not that it's not factual

    and you're not a medical prof??

    hmmm....who da thunk it?

  3. Do you have any good smoothie recipes Lew? :-D

  4. You are so refreshing or must I say the Spirit is so refreshing in you. Why don't we ever think that Jesus had a sense of humor? What? Was He not God in flesh?
    Anyway, we miss you. Things have been crazy around here. Call us soon.. 479-567-5579 or 970-1578.

  5. Well, I AM a medical professional.
    I find the water-only fast to be the easiest. Yes, you do get a little "light" as Brother Lew put it, but it allows your body to transition into a pure fat-burning, ketotic state rather than confusing your body with small doses of food calories. I recommend sparkling mineral water (ie. Perrier); it somehow feels more satisfying than flat tapwater, although it gets expensive after a couple of days.
    Oh, yeah. I should second the motion to avoid heavy food at the end of a fast. And I'll add that if you're thinking of a prolonged fast (more than 48-72 hours), you might want to talk to a doctor ahead of time, especially if you have a chronic medical condition.
