Thursday, July 3, 2008

things are busy...

things are very very busy around the house here... from the multiform goodnesses of sunday morning meeting, wednesday night special prayer, thursday night men's and women's bible studies, to the daily give and take of living together... things are good and busy...

this week, our dear friends Eric and Aimee Byman and their two children are staying on the first floor, and brother Mark Weaver is living on the third floor, sharing a room with Sam...

I hope to get the upstairs freed up to house 6 people at a time, with a more regular daily bible study and prayer life around here...

things are good. and busy.


  1. I am curious what your thoughts are on perfection. Specifically perfection in Christ.

    Glad to see that things are going!


  2. Mix-master-lew,

    Do you have any good posts regarding fasting?

