Friday, December 26, 2008

Brennan Manning - legenda português

brennan kicks ass and takes names in this one... bottom line. period. done... this is what i love about jesus. period. that He loves me. period. done... "."


  1. Amen Mr. Manning!! Many of us go through life thinking that when we leave this world and stand before our Lord, he will ask, "Did you love me?"

    But how needy, how desperate, how codependent does that sound? Jesus didn't come, live, die, and rise again to show us how much we need to love God. We already knew how much we needed to love God and how incapable we were to fully do it! He came to show us how much God LOVES US!! If I was on my deathbed and my son came to me to hear what I had to say to him, would I say, "Son, did you love me?" Of course not! I would shower him with assertations and encouragements of my love and joy in him. I would say, "My son, I adore you. I love you. Do you know that I love you? Always remember that."

    Likewise, why would we think Jesus, whose love is perfect and all-encompassing, would be more demanding, more needy than me? It's when we live a life rich in the love of God that we truly come alive; bold, courageous, joyful, and filled with starry-eyed wonder at the miracle of grace. now THAT is what i want... -jp

  2. It is amazing to me how often God is portrayed as a sniffling, insecure guy with low self-esteem that constantly needs to be reminded by us who he is.

    Like God has identity issues.

    If you ever have the opportunity to go to a Brennan Manning retreat take it. He is an incredibly humble and transparent person. We have been fortunate to be on a couple of them and Father God touched us deeply both times.
