Tuesday, December 9, 2008

One more day.

Tried my hand at skatepark consultations today. For those of you who don't know, that's been my side gig lately.

From six am till eight thirty I help get kids ready and drive them to school. Three different schools now.

Maecus' school is moving him up in class difficulty. He is doing very well. Very well.

Aaron is doing well in a different way. We have found Walnut Hills HS very challenging, academically. I am seriously considering and probably will withdraw him and do the year through again with home supervised curricula.

Aaron's skateboarding is awesome, and he has a real interest in business. Needless to say, any home curricula will be heavy on the roadtrips.

Here is what the sink looks like, no matter how many times I wash em.

-- Post From My iPhone

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