Sunday, April 19, 2009

Status Qwhat?

Well it has been forever.

If you've known me well over this past year, you'll know that there have been some changes around me... First off, Judy and the boys and I have been joined by Marcus. He is now on full "son" status in the house. We are in a permanent situation, at least after one more court thingy...

Next, I've got my own company, FickleBoards. We wholesale american made skateboard decks with the help of our friends in Pennsylvania. Promoting a company like that is a full-time job, though flexible. Maybe with care it will succeed in covering human costs... It is a labor of love in more ways than one...

One of our riders, Ben, has moved into our home here in Northside and is enjoying a taste of mob-life here with the Jesus people. I can only imagine some of the things Ben experiences among us, one of which is the rising tide of babies.

And on that note: Babies. Oodles and Oodles of Babies. Our little experience/expression of what it means to be the Church, over here, is made up of a pretty fertile demographic. We have somewhere around 25 little kids in our life together. It is amazing to say the least...

So I still teach on Sundays in the church, usually. I still fire up the guitar, too... but there is a greater sense of participation by all the people in the church, in the daily love and care of life together here in Northside... What I mean is, many people are maturing in their walk of love, with God, who says, "God is love". So fewer people than ever "neeeeed" me. They are weaned and on solid meat, which is for the mature, who through constant use have trained themselves to distinguish what is good from that which is eeeevil.

So I'm way less the professional religious man, and am giving my time to trying to work with my hands and make good on the Scripture's commnand to have something to share and take care of my family's needs...

I don't know. It's risky. I might fail, and am not experiencing an ocean wave of success. But best of all, God is with us.

Pray for me. I get anxious sometimes.


  1. Tents and skateboards have some striking similarities... like wheels and wood and grip tape.
    Well... more so than tents and chemistry I suppose.
    Don't ever let your kids go to a 'Christian college' is like hell on earth, really. UC had much more the presence of Christ on it, or at least they acted like they were supposed to.
    I don't change for advice. God Bless!

  2. Bless Marcus and Ben. And the babies, whom I shall love on in the near future when I come up for a night or two - to GARDEN if you will.

  3. I am glad to be able to catch up with some of the day to day happenings of one of my wisest teachers. It is good to hear that life is treating you well. I miss you all, but as my life is laid out before me, the road has led me to many new and unfamiliar places. I am enjoying every minute of it, Please send the whole gang in northside my love, and stand together in peace.
