Sunday, November 14, 2004

Indianapolis and Washington DC

Went to Indy the other day for three days with Aaron (10) and Seth (3), to help out on Micah and Marla's house... They are church planting pastor couple there... They are the real deal in people who go beyond the brink to live out the church dream... that we love one another... They're in an experiment that includes sunday mornings, house church, much love and reaching out in love daily to everyone they meet... they're shockingly devoid of pretense and draw tons of unlikelies to an experience of the Grace of God... Their church community has lots of questions and are willing to follow Jesus where he leads... a great time...

Went to Wash. DC with our exchange org. the other day too... brought the whole family and the girls got to hang with other students and see the sights... loved our time, because I had the kids and all their travel to myself. we got it right and didn't have any big problems in the high security environment of the airports...

As for the ministry stuff... it's really a wierd zone for me now... these are the days before an explosion of grace in Cincinnati... There'll be so much happening not far from now, that we'll be swamped and I'll miss the days when we didn't know what we were doing.

I would love for some mission minded christians to visit us as friends this winter, after the holidays, when things calm down for you, and share a bit of life and we'll pray and share... There are cool developments of vision and insight about the big house...

There's a wedding in our community this week. Friday night (thursday rehearsal). I need to get a suit and shoes... had two loaners, but they won't do. totally not right for a wedding, the one, and the other is too small... funny stuff... wearing suits and all that... mercy. Lord, help all those people who are thinking that one thing and getting Jesus in a whole different way...

Thanks to all the people who are willing to help us turn the big house into a community center... We'll be working this winter and spring to get the floors out from under the carpet, and get the kitchen and dining room up and running on the main floor... It's gonna be great to fill this place with love...

Rockin' on.

1 comment:

  1. hey..everybody who reading my message right now...that awesome that Cristine and Matt having wedding.I'm so glad for them..Tell hi to all Sunday group from Nelly:)
