Monday, November 15, 2004

Seth drank bleach...

We had the paramedics here on Sunday night. Seth accidentally drank some diluted bleachwater in a sippy cup. Just a sip and he hurled and coughed and threw up some more... It must have hurt. I don't know.

but it's hard to describe the powerlessness you feel in those moments, while poison control has you on hold, before paramedics arrive, while your little buddy's retching and you're afraid he has terrible burns in his mouth... i curled up on the floor for just a moment and told jesus i can't wait for him to come again...

as we realized that Seth was not injured badly, and that this wasn't serious, i began to feel that feeling about all the little kids tonight who are injured badly, for whom "it" is serious... the little ones in the Sudan, and other places like that, and here, where there is so much resource and so little sharing...

i know that a lot of people who read this are people who pray for us. thanks. let's pray that there'll be some serious love to those little ones... this is gonna hurt, to see them and love them in their pain.

We had a great sunday night. the church joined the tail end of our chaos, and Seth was up and running. We ate delicious soup and desserts. it was great. And Mr. Weiss is leaving for China this morning, so we prayed for him and the church there. He's going to preach in an illegal house church for 10 days. surely he'll be encouraging and equipping more than just that one group, too...

and matt and christine are getting married this week. I'll do the wedding with a bro named Wes, on Friday.


  1. ....
    That was so intense.
    After the initinal work was done, I was sorta standing in the kitchen a bit dazed, trying to apply my totally inadaquate inorgnaic chemistry knowledge to a biological system.
    Knowing that Seth should not be throwing up, but unable to get him to stop. And really unaware of how much he consumed, a few mL would not even be a problem.
    I was so glad when JP grabbed me and said "you, I, pray... NOW."
    I realized that I still had a function, other than just looking stupid.
    I am also so glad K was there to cooradinate the chaos. She can do that so much better than I.

  2. Man..poor baby.I love Seth so much and I'll definetely pray for whole family so that God gonna protect you guys from satan and all his trings to upset you.I guess I can understand Seth on those time..b/c right now i don't feel good either.I just had a little sergery and I can't go to bed...actually i don't sleep for three days already because its hurt.But I thanks God for giving me this sickness and making me reilize how weary I am.So I could even more trust to Him.
    Love Nelly Tsoy(Kazakhstan)
