Saturday, January 22, 2005

Like a bad dream

it feels like a bad dream... i thank more deeply for every day since... your mercy broke me free...

I'm deeply confronted by the scripture in Hebrews where it says, "without [holiness] noone will see the Lord" as I examine my heart and life... YOu see, it's happening. We're about to see development of all kinds of mission and vision and ministry stuff. All that threatens to be so gratifying (because God is surely with us) that it might distract me from the path of pilgrimage--the path of holiness...

you see, all the intensity of moving, living together, and preaching and teaching all the time has distracted me substantially from my LIFE. Yep, I've suffered a disconnect from the source... Hewn out broken cisterns that don't hold long, adn forsaken the spring of living water...

and it's now that I'm hungering to deeply connect/re-connect with the Spring... That'd be Jesus. That'd be through prayer and the word...

In fact, when the work got demanding in the early days, the apostles appointed deacons because they had to be dedicated to prayer and the word!

now one of the kids is crying, so I'll be back soon...

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