Monday, January 17, 2005


Tonight I put that plastic stuff, the stuff that shrinks with a hairdryer, on two of our upstairs windows... I also replaced two light bulbs in two kitchens... Trying to deal with a giant air conditioner in the 3rd floor kitchen, too... I thought I had to take it out, only to learn that that would take a 40 ft. ladder, working outside (it's like 5 degrees, Farenheit).


Sometimes you feel like the big joke of the family... the one they all can make jokes about to bring levity to their own lives... the dupe... good natured... honest to a fault about my mistakes...

but i'm frustrated, because it seems that others can point it out without limit, because it's true, and I have to just suck it up... but there's more to life than self-improvement. There's grace. And my soul ends this day craving grace... I'm gonna try to steal away with some...

Aah to sit and be. To end craving and chasing and just exist... dwell... abide... To cease from the pursuit of knowledge, understanding... to quit banging my head against the wall and just be Known...

This is my favorite part of live. To me, it's the place of really living... I crave... It's the best...

In this crazy American dream, we don't think straight about this... It's more of the Eastern kind of thing... We're more western, i guess... something about the decline of Western Civilization. Blablablehbla...

Well, we're looking forward to the Bansens coming on Friday. Shawn's a junior electrician and we're gonna totally knock out some stuff... The way it goes around here, there'll be a lot of setbacks and we'll end up smokin' pipes... who knows?

Hey Micah! Bring Marla and all the kids. It's a swell thing to have a house full of folks, when all the work's done and our job is to hang and dwell on Jesus. Or just to leave off the work after a hard half-day, and eat and pray and talk...

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