Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.
I received a visit from a local pastor, at the house, today. It was a deep blessing. Thank you for stopping by, brother, if you read this. i can't tell you what it means to be loved by the brethren in ministry.

This brother is a leader in a congregation where we baptized Tom. I'll attempt to attach a pic for you. But, anyway, this brother came by, "just to say hi". it was wonderful. We talked about school choices for Aaron. this pastor is also a teacher in cincinnati Public Schools (CPS). He really helped us get aware about which schools would work for Aaron. I also got a chance to talk to him about helping us find host families for ten-month high school exchange students.

But during the course of our conversation, he really blessed me with something. You may find it strange, but I think that sharing this with you may help introduce you to some of the dynamics working behind the leadership of grubbykupp...

Here's the upshot:
"Lew, you're such a pastor. You have gifts and..." (you get it) "...so why don't you join up with a denomination and get a salary and benefits and retirement going?" "you'd be so good at it, and people need you", "i want to see you in a building, with a congregation"... and so on. "they need you"... and so on.

You know, he's right. That may seem arrogant, or something, but it is true. The truth about me is that I am a servant of the Lord, a son of God, a teacher of the New Covenant, and other things that, if said here, might make you think I'm a bit off my rocker.
But I do have credentials that are convincing, compelling to those who know about the things of the Spirit. I have seen more than many, and the Spirit has given me real insights into key aspects of Church Life in our generation... It has been said that I really know the Scriptures well, and that my application of them to teaching is inspired...

But my REAL credentials are PEOPLE! You might be one of them. My real credentials don't hang on walls, or fit in files. They are YOU, if you are one. You know who you are. And you are not MY credentials. You are Letters of recommendation for Jesus! Written to all who can read the heavenly writing of the Spirit in your souls.

Last Sunday night our "meetingfull" gathered around Judy and me and prayed blessing over us as I received official recognition and ordination. For those of you who know my history, there has been a miraculous, true, and blessed reconciliation between myself and the Body of Christ group, in Florida. There has been true repentance and much growth among that group, and we have all emerged from the fires of the last couple of years. As for me, I've really grown and been changed by the experience that we share, as well. The sum of it is: God meant it for good! I really, truly believe that! You don't have to be privy to the details of this if you weren't near it (although it's an interesting story, if you ask) to see that God is operating through difficult circumstances to purify us and make us useful in receiving his love.

But today's conversation really helped me appreciate some things:

It's true! I am the Lord's servant, overseeing the church in our little corner. I love Him and his people. He is so in love with us! I'm tried and I'm true and that's that.

Joining a denomination, receiving a pastorate, parsonage, salary, benefits, retirement, continuing ed, degree, credentials, influence, reputation... it's all GOOD...
...when it's IN CHRIST. It means nothing at all. The only thing that matters is abiding in Jesus Christ. I will boast about his crucifiction! So, whether I get all that stuff someday, or remain gritty with mad street credit, all that matters is Christ, his death, body, blood, and empty hole in the ground.
All I am called to do will come from Abiding in Christ. That's my focus. that's my goal, to be found IN HIM.

While all that's okay, and I am the real deal, not a fake, How I respond to the reality of my gifting and calling must originate in WAITING, PRAYING, HOPING, FOLLOWING STEP BY STEP. How I steward the giftings of God shouldn't be adminstrated by my own understanding, but by a journey in the Spirit.

In 1 john 2:26-67, we are told that the Spirit is our teacher, empowering and teaching us to abide in Christ. I believe that this is mystical, intellectual, emotional, physical... the works!
I believe that there are so many Christians today who are in danger of eternal loss because their course isn't a product of abiding in Christ. They do all the right things, but not out of abiding. They are active, but not led by the Spirit. They loathe the waiting and hoping for the Spirit to come and lead... They fear inactivity and the loneliness of the wilderness... These are the inheritance of Spirit-people.

This is the course plotted for me, retirement or not. Nothing, not benefits, security, "memberships", reputation, is worth losing this intimacy. And it is likely that some, many, or even all these things will come with the journey. It's just not for me to say. It is for me to follow.

Who knows? The years may see me become an author, PhD, who knows what? I may become a "real" pastor, with a large church, or a network of house churches that reaches notable size... but woe to me if I boast in anything but the cross, and live anything but the "wind-life" of the Spirit...



Brothers and Sisters!
Here is the Scripture list from our time together last sunday.

1 Sam. 7:10-13

1 Cor. 14:26

Rom. 1:1-following
Matt. 7:15-20
Gal. 3:1
Is. 59:20-21
Jer. 31:31-34
Hos. 14:1-4
Ez. 36:22-27
Is. 66:2b-5
John 3: 20, 21

Psalm 51
Hebrews 10
Is. 12

John 6:28-29
1 John 2:26-29

I am your brother in the Lord, also an overseer in the Church. please make my heart glad by deeply studying these scriptures, praying through them, working your life and mind into obedience to the Lord, using these Sunday nights to gain the advantage over the enemy.
I sat with a local pastor this morning, a real brother in the Lord. This guy gets it. He's on the journey, a real teacher to me. I am looking forward to years of trench work with him.

In our conversation, we crossed some ground where the treading is tricky. We were talking about how we're supposed to be "in the world" but not "of the world". How God calls us to "come out from among them", and how we're to walk that out.

My answer to him was, "right next to them", "right in front of them", "among them".
We are to walk out holiness boldly, in the darkness, shining as lights. We are to be salt, causing change, bringing grace. We are to be peacemakers, IN the war. You can't be a peace "maker" without conflict to "make" it out of. Otherwise, you're not a "maker". You are a talker, a maintainer, a... not a doer of the law, but a judge of it...

Here's a scripture:
1 Corinthians 5:9-11 (New American Standard Bible)

New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation

9I wrote you in my letter not to associate with immoral people;

10I did not at all mean with the immoral people of this world, or with the covetous and swindlers, or with idolaters, for then you would have to go out of the world.

11But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler--not even to eat with such a one.

We are to separate from someone, alright. But not from the people of the world who don't know God. They're following a very understandable course. They are dead in sin, and sinning is their nature, so far. But someone who is a believer is held to a very strict standard. We are supposed to follow this standard in our brotherhood with each other. We are to call out people who are fake, using religion to cover their darkness. We are to separate from false brethren. This is a thing that will show the world, looking on, what it means to be a christian.

It is tolerable for a person in darkness to stumble, for those who reject the truth to follow lies. Not pleasant, not truly tolerable in an eternal sense--we pray and work that they be loosed from the devil's bondage--but it's at least understandable. They are treated with mercy, at a distance.

But for a person to tread Christ underfoot, using religion as a cover, claiming to follow Christ, yet willfully, persistently indulging in sin, rejecting the help of the Spirit, Word and Body... this is unacceptable and will be met with Truth in Love, resulting in separation.

Now, if it's a person that's caught in a sin, but truly desiring freedom, and willing to pay the price of walking out repentance when they are offered the help of the Spirit, Word and Body, that's different.

Galatians 6

1Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, so that you too will not be tempted.
2Bear one another's burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.

3For if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself.

Restoration is the name of the game, but there are many who have no taste for the cross, who bewail their sins, not turning from them. To them, their sins are like golden, diamond studded chains. They bring bondage, but are "precious"... Gollum reference...

So, if there were a community of saints, walking this out in intensity, with the readiness to be active in this, as a Body, with the Spirit leading and teaching them to abide in Christ... That would be a very interesting group. They'd be thought of as strange, within present Christendom, I think.

There are so many more scriptures to look at for this. These two are insufficient for a deep articulation of these important relational dynamics in the Body. But the truth will strip us. And fill us, and bear us fruit... fruit that will last...

So hit the dirt... repent... become filled with the Spirit by believing this incredible Grace. Remember that those who restore others are referred to as "nothing" in that Gal.6 thing. We are his beloved children, but it is He who does all our works. Let's get broken hearted.

broken lawn furniture

In moving into the city, I have had a lot of lawn furniture broken, a lot of basketballs stolen, and a lot of litter on my property. There have been gunshots, a murder, five streetfights, a small riot, car accidents at our corner, my son has been punched in the face numerous times... not to mention some of the dogs...

there was a dogfight about two weeks back that was the most violent thing I may have ever witnessed personally. It was horrifying to see this mastiff, loose, attacking this shepherd/wolf mix, on a chain. I thought the chained dog would die. There was no pulling them apart.

"Curly" was alright. A little stiff, a little meaner, still chained.

And life here is "safer" to me than elsewhere. Here, I live in a daily workshop of mercy and service. We daily have a troop of folks eating at our table, using the first floor, hoop, backyard, to live and love each other...

My sons will never be racist, never see kids by color. They will never shy from people with accents. They will never shun foreign foods, nor will they turn hospitality from the needy. They miss out on the official "Sunday School" experience, but have JP, Chris, Prari, and so many others reading scripture to them and their friends, teaching them the ways of the Lord. These people are living examples of faith in action. Haiti, Kenya, Mexico, are only a few of the places they have gone to share the Love of Jesus. But the most important place they've gone is "nowhere". They're right here, daily, in the streets, loving our neighbors.

this is the bread, to me...


I'm so thankful, this morning, for...

...just BEING here.
What i mean is, for years now we've been in a transition from an approach to ministry that originates in an effort to DO for the Lord to an approach to LIFE that comes from Being In the Lord.

From "Ministry" to "Life"

From efforts directed by/originated in my perceptions, desires, thoughts... to those the Spirit leads me into...

The latter may still be strengthened by desires, thoughts, perceptions of my human mechanism, that is, my shell/container/sarx/flesh, but their origin is not mine... not my planning, alliances... just waited for in a vacuum of hope...

...and BEING there is so powerful. My days are filled, i mean FILLED, with powerful, transforming opportunities to engage God as he is working in people around me. Sometimes this looks like counseling, sometimes like prayer together, sometimes in deliverance ministry, sometimes in a healing (yesterday, i prayed for a two-year-old's allergic rash and it immediately went down), sometimes in wisdom, sometimes in folly, sometimes in jail, sometimes in singing, sometimes with basketball, sometimes in...

Who knows what God will do with us when we discipline ourselves out of the busy run of this world, set ourselves apart to wait on Him, and learn the contentment of Him being absolutely enough for right now... being mindful of no other day/moment than today...

i see that he is working powerfully through those here who are so doing. I see Zach, JP, Smitty... Chris, Christine, Danielmatt... all of us being used to "flavor" our neighborhood.

Once again, I'm reminded of the need to plug your ears to all the things I'm not saying here. I can already hear the questions coming, like, "what then, are you saying we're not supposed to DO anything?" and, "what if nothing happens? How long do we wait?". There are those who would scoff and say it's idealistic stuff, too. But ideals are lost on the cynicism of false adulthood. Jesus called us to childlikeness. that's the story and I'm stickin' to it.

So REPENT! Joyfully turn to a new life! Joyfully clear your busy christian calendars and get to know the old lady next door better. In listening to her, you'll find Jesus. He has been waiting for your visit...

Monday, May 30, 2005

many dogs

many dogs
Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.

May 27 bbq

Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.

bbq boyz

bbq boyz
Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.
this is one more foto from our time with the 'hood last week. we're having a great time with our neighbors...

to love our neighbor, we have to be one...

Freestyle 2

Freestyle 2
Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.
i can't tell you how much fun it is to freestyle rap with these kids. they are unimaginably positive and encouraging... aaron and i had a blast... and seth was breakdancing...

friday night bbq party for the neighborhood kids...

JP grillin

Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.
Don't miss Smitty lookin' on from behind (christine, too ...).

neighborhood bbq last friday, with freestyle rap session, and a lot of... jesus...

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Sunday Night, May 23

We had basketball before meeting, tonight. The neighbor kids came up the drive, en masse, at about 7:15. It was great.

After Hoops, some of the kids came into the meeting. They all go to the church on the corner on Sunday afternoons for a snack and some Word. So, they asked if they could eat. I told them that they hooped all during dinner, and that now it was meeting-time. So, a few came in.

We praised the Lord loudly, that night. It was great. Lots of joy. We started late (8:30). I was told after the meeting that some of the neighbor kids looked bewildered, almost angry, as we were praising.

When we prayed for someone, all gathered around, and that person started crying, one of the boys whom we know very well started to laugh. Why he did this, we don't know, but he was very quickly sent out by one of our young men. I don't know what that was, but I look forward to connecting with him this week to... just to love him. We seriously warn our young neighbors to honor the Lord when they come over, since we are His people and our posessions are not our own... So I know that the young man understood why he was being asked to leave...

Still, something to pray about.

There was time spent praying for each other, anointing some with oil, and sharing out of Colossians 3...

Then we dispersed, after more singing and prayer, with a few more scriptures...

Some stayed till 1am, taking communion and praying and counseling over the Bible. There have been spiritual battles won, this week. Some are in rest. Others, still in the fray.

Pray for each other. Speak well.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

power company is loving

our power company here in Cincinnati is very loving and gracious... i really mean it.

you see, last winter, we refinished about a thousand square feet of flooring in our house on the first floor. it's an absolutely stupid thing to do during the winter, because you have to open all the doors for 2 days so the chemicals in the poly-whatever-polenes that you put down don't give you heart murmers or whatever-mers...

But that was when our helpers were available, and we knew that the summers would be a bad time to do it, just the same, for different reasons... So onward we went, pulling out carpet, pulling nails, tack strips, staples... Renting a heavy belt sander and buying all the paper...

John Parran (JP) (JJ to his family) did all the sanding. In less than 2 days, he spent 24 and a half hours behind that huge monster of a sander... Justin Stace, John Lyendecker (Friar John), Dan Egan (Catholic Dan), and Tom-O (now in prison), all spent major time in the press with us.

Long story short (this is about the power company), our heating bill was like, more than a thousand dollars! And had been around 500 for a couple of months, and we weren't making enough money to cover...
So I did what any responsible man would do. I prayed and waited... and money didn't show for about two months, to cover it.

During the two months of waiting, I called CG&E, or Cinergy, our Power Utility company here in Cinci. They were SOOOO GRACIOUS!!! They really cared that we were in need. They didn't threaten us. They gave us plenty of grace period, and within a short while (of months), we were all paid up, because the Lord is gracious...

But look at this... Cinergy wasn't FAIR to us. They didn't treat us FAIRLY. They treated us with grace. That's Big Business, showing grace!

You know how Jesus paraboled about grace and servants and masters and daily work time and fairness and jealousy? a big one is in
9"The workers who were hired about the eleventh hour came and each received a denarius. 10So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius. 11When they received it, they began to grumble against the landowner. 12'These men who were hired last worked only one hour,' they said, 'and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.'

13"But he answered one of them, 'Friend, I am not being unfair to you. Didn't you agree to work for a denarius? 14Take your pay and go. I want to give the man who was hired last the same as I gave you. 15Don't I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?'

16"So the last will be first, and the first will be last."

I love the people at our power company. They go beyond fair, approaching justice with mercy.
an example of how Grace exists in Big Business...

Thursday, May 19, 2005

John Wallis

John Wallis
Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.
The grubbykupp community is anticipating a loss. Those of us who have basked in the light of the great mystery that is John Wallis, will soon have to drive up to Delaware to continue the tradition.

The great subverter is moving there to move on. He'll be working his architechture madness, assembling a team of guys to build creatively, pioneering an entire division in a company up there. They picked the right guy if they're looking for a guy who can get people on the same page about building outside the box.

John has contributed to the subversion of key players in the leadership of the GK house/community concept, as well as given father-hugs to us when we skin our knees in our battles with the heavenly principalities...

John and his wife Sydney, and their FIFTEEN (flippin' fifteen!) kids are moving up there within the next month or so... so we're really gonna feel this.

John has an MDIV from a hoity-toity bigdeal seminary in Chicago, has done all kinds of church stuff, written slews of stuff (check out his link in the sidebar), and has recently been misunderstood and undersupported as a campus minister, too... He was looking for a job in ministry at his local mall, i mean church, but they didn't have a place for a guy who powerfully subverts people back to the Spirit Life and models Christ in the adoption of five kids, and who has a theological degree, and is published. Not because they don't need someone, or can't afford to support, but because, "don't you think having that many kids is enough ministry?", or something like that.

Yep, John has been out of the box, and many feel that. It's a constant aroma of freedom--and you know, many who are slaves don't like the smell of freedom, with all its risks and responsibilities...

Yeah, I'm critical. Something that John helps me not to fear. John, we'll be together in the realms, on the blogosphere, but your physical absence and the inability to call you and see you the next day will really bug me. I'm so glad to have a friend i crave and miss...

Sunday Night, May 15

This post will cover raw group discussion/teaching from Sunday May 15, as well as from the following Wednesday 6am meeting.

First of all, thanks for the new Guitar! I love working with it in service of the King. I took it out for some blues in the 'hood, last night, and I love how lightweight and clear-sounding it is. I will serve the Lord with it, and I will ENJOY it! Thanks to all the people who made that happen.

I'd also like to say right up that the way Bible discussions have been for the last month has been radical to me, as a teacher. I love not having to hold a Bible in my hand, relying on the group's knowledge of scripture for looking up the references. I think it is encouraging to people who come for the first time, seeing a whole crowd of people who are so "into" the Scriptures.

So, we looked at Ephesians 1:5. That was all we covered, since we started the Bible time at 9:25 at night. So much food time. So much singing. So worth the fatigue the next day. So sweet... (i've made myself tired for a thousand worse reasons without complaint)
Ephesians 1:5-6 (New American Standard Bible)

New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation

5He (A)predestined us to (B)adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, (C)according to the kind intention of His will,

6(D)to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in (E)the Beloved.

So, first we dealt with the scandal of predestination. We attempted to simply define the term, in english--something we do far too seldom. We found it translated more dynamically in The New Living Translation (NLT):
5His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us...

So, we looked at the Prefix: "pre", defined it...
...and looked at "destined" and tried to define it... destiny... to arrange a destiny... to arrange a destination... to plot a course...

and pretty much the content of the discussion was that "predestination", here is talking about the arrangement, beforehand, of a destination, an arrival... cool.

...then we looked at what we are arranged/planned/destined to arrive...at...(my mom said never to end with a preposition...)
(...then we looked at that at which we are ...to arrive)
...and saw that it is:
ADOPTION as sons.

Adoption is always cool. It means that you were chosen. Whoever feels that adopted kids are less loved (you might if you are one) is just flat out missing that they are CHOSEN. Letting the Love and Grace of this chosen-ness eclipse our abandonment and neglect by our natural parents (the world, its system, its lord, satan) is key to freedom in the truth.

The word "Sons" here is cool, too. I encouraged any females who resent, or have trouble relating to masculine pronouns here to remember the specific privileges of the firstborn sons, relax, and exult in them. Besides, women are called sons, in the Bible, but the WHOLE CHURCH is called the Bride of Christ in the end, so we all end up girls in the end.

(anyone who says that the Christian Scriptures are rough on the female gender are DEAD WRONG. They accord incredible equality, no, privilege, to that sex, while dignifying and freeing women from the world's bondages and lies! It is the twisting of the truth that produces evil practises in what is falsely called the churches...)

We then looked into the nature of our relationship with God through this adoption THROUGH JESUS CHRIST (Eph. 1:5) TO HIMSELF...

By coming through Jesus to God in this adoption (a lifelong, binding covenant of family to the previously abandoned), we enjoy an awesome, face-to-face with the Father. He is now not only the God and Father of our Lord, He is ours. Jesus called him "abba", which doesn't mean as much the "daddy" that we say in america, as it does the "papa" it means in eastern europe. He is the Head of the family. He is in charge. he is in complete authority, rock solid, stern, strong... and in love with you so much that any time you come to him his face softens and shines...
Something about the chase for the american dream has rendered too many fathers in our age soft and useless as examples of this "papa-ness" of God. He is the Man. He's comin' 'round. He loves his children...

check out how Aslan, the lion of C.S. Lewis' books, interacts...

And we looked at this scripture:
John 16:25-27 (New Living Translation)

New Living Translation (NLT)
Holy Bible. New Living Translation copyright © 1996 by Tyndale Charitable Trust. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers.

25"I have spoken of these matters in parables, but the time will come when this will not be necessary, and I will tell you plainly all about the Father. 26Then you will ask in my name. I'm not saying I will ask the Father on your behalf, 27for the Father himself loves you dearly because you love me and believe that I came from God.

...and saw that we now are with Him, through Jesus. We ask him face-to-face.

now the question was asked: "then what about praying to Jesus?"
I am solid on this one: "it totally rocks. don't quit."
Look at John 14:
7If you had known who I am, then you would have known who my Father is.[a] From now on you know him and have seen him!"

8Philip said, "Lord, show us the Father and we will be satisfied."

9Jesus replied, "Philip, don't you even yet know who I am, even after all the time I have been with you? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father! So why are you asking to see him? 10Don't you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words I say are not my own, but my Father who lives in me does his work through me. 11Just believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me.

So, in a mystical/mysterious sense that transcends what we figure out with our heads, jesus is God. Don't worry about this stuff. Swim in it! Talk to Him. Listen to Him. Obey Him! Swim out, catch a wave, ride till you fall... (look out for sharks)

We looked at the Romans 8:15-18 scriptures that talk about sonship in Him, too:
12So, dear brothers and sisters,[e] you have no obligation whatsoever to do what your sinful nature urges you to do. 13For if you keep on following it, you will perish. But if through the power of the Holy Spirit you turn from it[f] and its evil deeds, you will live. 14For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children[g] of God.

15So you should not be like cowering, fearful slaves. You should behave instead like God's very own children, adopted into his family[h]--calling him "Father, dear Father."[i] 16For his Holy Spirit speaks to us deep in our hearts and tells us that we are God's children. 17And since we are his children, we will share his treasures--for everything God gives to his Son, Christ, is ours, too. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering.

Forsaking sin, following the Spirit (are you full of the spirit?)(do you follow the Spirit?) Are absolutely, absolutely, the upshot of the facts that Jesus and the Father are one. Ride, fall, paddle out, ride, fall, paddle out, ride, fall, paddle out! and CELEBRATE! bonfire on the beach at nightfall...
That's the church.

And you see how He is our father and we are his beloved children: privileged! Believe it! Drink it in! Swim in it! Dare to believe this--thoroughly--and you'll get filled!

And all this is by:
"...His great pleasure."
We serve a God, belong to a Father, who is GREATLY PLEASED by our ARRIVAL. Our arrival where? At the adoption! At the state of simply being after his longing--belonging!!!
Colossians 1:26
This message was kept secret for centuries and generations past, but now it has been revealed to his own holy people. 27For it has pleased God to tell his people that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too. For this is the secret: Christ lives in you, and this is your assurance that you will share in his glory.
We looked at how this was so missed/hidden, but we now live in a time when our lives are "hidden with Christ in God" (col.3:1-3)
...and how that "hiddenness" is our blessing. to live as His children is our JOB/Role/Calling. This is our DESTINY/DESTINATION/ARRIVAL POINT... There is no other place to go/thing to do...

by the time we get to Ephesians 2, we are going to see how the world has had us all brainwashed to an idea of our adoption that isn't true.

Our conversation ended on this note:

If you're freaking out a lot because you are stressed about finding God's plan for you, relax. his plan is accomplished in you becoming His Child, through Christ Jesus. If you are worried about pleasing Him, relax and dare to believe that you ARE PLEASING TO HIM. THAT YOUR ADOPTION WAS HIS GOAL. The rest, you'll find in Ch.2, is all gravy...

This is a grace that will free us from sin, satan, fleshliness, fear... the world, the devil... everything... DIVE IN!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Montez Ollie

Montez Ollie
Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.
I would like to talk a bit about the skateboarding thing. We do a lot of basketball, and the "compete against each other" dynamic is so huge. "in Your face" trash talkin' and all that... we tolerate none of it in the Lord's backyard, here... Our house is safe.

But I have a desire to build a mini-halfpipe in our back lot. Skateboarding takes these guys out of the world of "in your face" as they practise and master techniques, and enjoy the "wind in your face". It's something totally different from what they are raised on. It sparks a whole different thought-flow.

It will take the right timing, and money, but I think this ramp will bring light and life to our kids.

Montez is about the shyest, sweetest, strongest character on our street. He's 13, 6ft. tall, lives nextdoor to JP's house full over there...
he plays with Aaron after school: mostly skateboarding and basketball... He ate at our house for the first time (he's one of the first to come inside and eat--the first for a sunday night meal).
The week after, he spent his time HELPING out around the place... I'm really learning, studying how table time affected this young guy.

All of these kids are deeply respectful when pressed with responsibility and the fear of God... I really love where we live...

Hordes of Hell

It's wednesday and I still haven't gotten Sunday's meeting notes up. But I got a request from a brother to talk about a book we were discussing.

The book is about exorcism, written by a man with extensive experience with casting out demons and spritual warfare.

I enjoyed the first half of it tremendously, because it was simply stories from his experiences. They were all similar to what I find in the bible, with Jesus and the disciples. The second half was really a lot of theology from a very strong, crystallized interpretation. There was a strong "mystical" bent to it. I liked that a lot, too. There are many christians around the world who hold those beliefs dearly, myself included.

I do believe in "all that stuff". Two major reasons:


before I knew about a lot of that, as a brand new Christian, I had demons cast out of my body/head/heart/life...wherever they live or whatever... it felt like they lived in my liver or kidneys or something... i don't know or care where they lived in me or on me or around me. All i know is that after they came out of me/off of me, the power of temptation and interference--the voices in my head--became distinctly "other" to me.

You see, I lived my whole life before Christ with strong inner voices/compulsions/thoughts, all the time. They urged me to break with reality and live in fantasy, to get involved with the occult, to experiment in things that were spiritually dark, to hate my parents, to hate women, to...
When I was rescued by Jesus, I fell in among a crowd of Christians that talked about the Lord from experience of his work. They experienced the Filling of the Spirit (baptism of the holy spirit), powerful spiritual gifts that were supernatural, wisdom from the Spirit, suffering for righteousness... they were Biblical Christians. A joy to the Father, scum of the earth...

As they spoke of Jesus and I began to experience Him, I got all this "pushback" while I slept--evil, scary dreams like horror movies all night. This, and some really extreme "body takeovers" while in the presence of people who were prayerful and Spirit filled, made me seek GOD for deliverance from the bondage of Spirits/Demons that had invaded my life over the years... He delivered me, one night, during a time of prayer with other saints.

It was radical, physical, spiritual, and effective. My mental health and acuity were immediately greatly improved.

This, and the filling of the Holy Spirit, have utterly changed my interaction with this world and its temptations...
The battle is won, inside me. I am home, no matter where I am. The house is filled and guarded...

This stuff peppers the Bible so thickly that I cannot, utterly cannot, develop the practise of Christianity and Community in Christ, without expecting it to be a part of it. Done.

So, i invite your comments, and hope that we see the mighty works of the Lord in our midst in increasing intensity and frequency, as we rejoice in the rescue He has enacted through the Cross! namely, that we now belong to Him. Names in the Book of Life...

what is it about the mall?

I'm an old mall rat. When I was a kid, the mall was absolutely the place to be. Back in the 80's...

I think that back then, the mall seemed like a new idea. I mean, in the Hudson Valley, where I grew up, about an hour north of "The City", there was a mall, but all the shopping was done elsewhere, and the mall was a rare trip--that was the late 70's. But in the early eighties, there was a boom in our area. The Poughkeepsie Galleria!!!

This was the biggest, most fancy mall in the area. It was new, posh, and had great spots for skateboarding. as a 10-12 year old, I marveled at it's newness, smoothness, coolness, cleanness, bigness, brightness... It soothed something in me, each time I walked in it with my parents...

At 12, there was a convergence of general trends in my life that brought me deeper into the world of the mall. I got a skateboard and enjoyed learning how to speed around on it in my neighborhood. Little did I know that there was an entire world built around a culture of punk rock and skateboarding, waiting for me in the back halls and parking lots of the Mall...

during the next four years, I was lost to the culture of the mall. I spent friday through sunday in the mall culture, importing it into my room, with skateboarding, punk rock, pop culture... Was it the culture of the mall? I guess the mall is the hub of that community... It was our church. The place where we were. The gathering. the community center.

We ate together, there. We stayed at the house of the kids who lived in the neighborhoods there... It offered shelter, food (we lived off freebies from friends who risked their jobs to sneak to us in the back halls), and friendship.

Oh man, I remember the mystery of the ARCADE. I rarely had money to play. I had little money to do most of the things that the older, cooler people were so expert at...
Don Carey, Mike, Mike, Mike, Winnie, Ant--the Best Cycle Skate Demo Team. They were the future professional skateboarders who modeled life to us in the mall. They were all from this one High School in Poughkeepsie (i don't remember the name, but we used to skate there all the time--it had an overhung entry with metal-edged steps for grinding). They were the epitome...

by the time I was 16, I had lost my soul to that culture. It drugged me and dragged me into all kinds of deviant behavior. I was dead. I knew it...

by the time I was 17, I understood. I had been dead, and was now alive in Christ. I lost the mall and all the glitz and the false glamour, and went on a hippie-style Jesus freak trip... I'm kinda still on it... more and more, really...
I focused on Guitar and song, poetry and conversation... The Word and the Deed, producing in me words and deeds in kind.

Now I'm 32. And I'm puzzling over my "new mall". there's this place I love to go, lately, and i don't think it's good for me. It's big, shiny, new, safe, smooth, with a food court, stores (o how i love to just go and buy things there, no matter how overpriced they may seem)... the people there are b.e.a.yootiful! Not a stinker in the bunch. They are interesting, cool, well-dressed, happy, smart, friendly... It is a relaxing, druglike, place to be...

Even better, I get to enjoy live music--my favorite songs of all--each time I go there. There is also an intellectual market there that rivals the discussions of Rollins and who's playing at CBGB... I don't agree with all I hear in the class/conference, but I love sitting without my kids pulling on me (i spent this morning playing with seth. I'm watching sesame street, right now).

There's free coffee! The last bastion of legalized drug use--free! I get so high, buy food, books, music, hear people affirm my beliefs/attempt to challenge my thinking, pose for the camera, and "voila"! I'm ready for monday!

I really like my new mall. I like it a lot. I am disturbed a little about how much i like it.

I haven't gone there for a while, since i realized that this was no mall, but rather an attempt to build a community. i already have a community. the community they are building around their mall seems to be enslaving them. a lot of what they do seems to be about the mall, and enlarging its support... probly not, but it seems that way to me...

it's easy to percieve it this way when the community around me is built solely on love, family, belonging, grace, full-out slavery to God, love, and love. I am spoiled. ruined to the mall...

i still like smooth things... and things that are made of smooth marble... that are cool to the skin... that you slide along.

and i still like skateboarding, but my ankle, foot, knee, hip... they don't so much...

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.
When the waiting room is full, we wait in the stairwell for the guards to call us for our 15-minutes with Tom. We have to take it one-at-a-time, sharing the minutes between us... It's not bad. We really work together to get us all in and out through the rapidly closing doors...

Today, the door to the area I was in got closed during a visit and a first-time visitor didn't get in, since I couldn't get out to swap... the breaks...

Waiting Room

Waiting Room
Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.
This is the County Lockup Waiting room where we laughed this morning. We got there to find it full of unhappy people, but the Lord visited us and we all laughted together.
You know, I look very little like what people expect a "pastor" or "minister" to look like... it's wonderful the way people have watched us over the months of visiting Tom and have seen Jesus in us. Now, we have a real relationship and latitude to speak to the families and friends of the inmates... i love the pleasant surprise they register when we talk to them about the Lord's great love for them...

sister L...

just met a young lady who is looking for xian community in her journey with Josh... she's been so deeply disappointed by the foulness she has encountered in seeking... prayin for ya, L.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

5 deadly poisons Kung Fu


watched 5 deadly poisons... drowsed off like 20 times. it was a good nap before receiving a shipment of furniture for the guys... couch and loveseat and an armoir...

basketball with about 15 locals for an hour and a half, after dinnertime... one of the kids cellphones was dismantled and his battery, chip, and protective covers were stolen... not the phone itself... the court'll be closed for a while because of that... this will be a safe place...

More Posts coming

You know, it takes time to write a post. I don't make a lot of that for this. and i seldom write down a good idea for this... I'll have to press on that...

Keep visiting...

had a big street fight on the ave the other night.
visited tom in jail today
my cousin got put to death in connecticut, the other day...
turned 32 two days back

i love my mom.
i love my dad.
my brother and his wife had another kid... 2 boys, now.

working on gettin' pics on here...


For those of you who might want to visit the grubbykupp community:

1320 chase ave. (Chase House)
cincinnati ohio 45223

1401 chase ave. (Chambers House)
cincinnati ohio 45223

sunday nights 7-12am
dinner bible songs prayer

tues pm 6-10
ladies' night

wed 6am clifton starbucks
men's morning

thurs 8-whenever
pub night, northside tavern


Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Sunday Night, May 8

We covered verse 3 of Ephesians 1:3-14.
...looking for any strong statements, here...

v.3 "...blessed us in the heavenly realms...

"...with every spiritual blessing..."

"... in Christ..."

"...loved us..."

"...chose us..."

"...to be holy in His sight..."

"...before the creation of the world..."

So, we discussed these points piece by piece. And the following notes are some of the things that got on the board from our discussion...

1 Cor. 2:9
Isaiah 64:4
...these two scriptures state that "No eye has seen, nor ear heard, what things God has prepared for those who love Him..."
this "every" of our spiritual blessedness is a mystery to us now. We can't fully understand or experience this, yet. But we keep pressing into it! keep discovering it!

"Heavenly Realms"
A few words about Satan:
Jn. 12 he has been driven out...
Jn. 14:30 he came for Jesus but had no hold on him...
Jn. 16:11 he now stands condemned...
Lk 10:20 we have authority in Christ to walk over his work, but our joy is in our salvation!

The heavenly realm conversation in the group was good. So often we live with our minds on the earthly/seen realm, neglecting the development of a full participation in our Christian identity... Col. 3:1-3 tells us to focus our hearts and minds on the heavenlies!

The fact that we don't fully understand the heavenly realm idea doesn't mean that there's not a lot to learn, and a lot to participate in. Through walking in the Spirit (Romans 8), we can really see it happen...

"Loved Us"
"Chose Us"
"Before Creation"
These are mysteries that we all need to swim in!
And He chose us to be holy!

Holy: Set apart to God, consecrated for a specific divine purpose

And to be blameless!!!
...without accusation of blame! In Revelation 12, Satan is identified by his many names and is cast out of the heavenly court, where he used to accuse us to God's face, all the time... Now there is an advocate for the world, Jesus Christ, there... We are without blame before God, our sin atoned for... Let's walk boldly in Him!!!

Romans 8:31-33 lays this out and asks, "if God is for us, who can be against us... who will bring a charge against [us]?"

Lift up your eyes this week! Throw off all hindrance and the sin that tangles you up (Heb. 12) and Run! Serve one another in love! (galatians 5:13) and keep to it!

Make sure to always forgive one another, whatever the grievance you might have! (Colossians 4)

Study these scriptures to make sure they're true! Don't be duped by fine arguments and what appears to be wisdom. Look it up for yourself!

Monday, May 2, 2005

Sometimes on Sunday Nights, we take notes of the meeting and email it to everyone. It's all in the context of a flowing conversation, together. So if you feel freaked out, realize that this is very hard to contextualize... It's here for you to see the scriptures and familiarize yourself with the basic flow of conversation...

Bumper stickers:
What was God before He was american?
I heart Northside

Jim Wallis and Mike McConnel and the Sojourners

Zach at military ball. Colonel talking about the bravery of Americans. Recruiter's job to turn [kids] in to people who can plunge steel...

Some antiwar rhetoric...

Bible has most military men spoken of positively. Especially in the New Testament... (Eric Byman)

1 Corinthians 14:26
"  26Well, my brothers and sisters, let's summarize what I am saying. When you meet, one will sing, another will teach, another will tell some special revelation God has given, one will speak in an unknown language, while another will interpret what is said. But everything that is done must be useful to all and build them up in the Lord.

Zach shares about Author and publisher talking about how Evangelicals don't generally know their Bibles...

Prari didn't agree...

Judy did, reminding that it is not "all"...

What is an evangelical?
Someone who believes that the Bible is the Word of God.

Knowing the Scriptures as well as we should...
(smitty) pastor has very little Scripture in the message.

Breaking down the Bible into points, stories,

16Let the words of Christ, in all their richness, live in your hearts and make you wise. Use his words to teach and counsel each other. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts. 17And whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus, all the while giving thanks through him to God the Father.

Isaiah 55:
  1"Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink--even if you have no money! Come, take your choice of wine or milk--it's all free! 2Why spend your money on food that does not give you strength? Why pay for food that does you no good? Listen, and I will tell you where to get food that is good for the soul!

lew: we should become thirsty, again

Lew: being put on the spot isn't something we're used to... So just because you don't share doesn't mean tha tyou aren't walking with Jesus!

Zach: we aren't used to it. Our schools, our institutions... Have groomed "same level" priesthood, sharing out of us...

Smitty: in Nicaragua, people Participated... No message, no expert...

Aaron Johnson: Mormonism paper... They talk about rank in heaven, and the fate/slavery of those who aren't "sealed". It's so great that we don't have to fight to become... To be married and sealed in the Mormon Temple...

Eric brings up that there are divisions among us/factions...

1 Corinthians 11:18-19
   17But now when I mention this next issue, I cannot praise you. For it sounds as if more harm than good is done when you meet together. 18First of all, I hear that there are divisions among you when you meet as a church, and to some extent I believe it. 19But, of course, there must be divisions among you so that those of you who are right will be recognized!

...so that those who are approved may be evident among you...

2 Tim. 2:15
15Work hard so God can approve you. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth.

2 Tim 1:14
  15As you know, all the Christians who came here from the province of Asia have deserted me; even Phygelus and Hermogenes are gone.

Factions that are both right?
Paul and Peter in Galatians
Paul and barnabus (neither one right or wrong)

Prayer and Thanksgiving:

Eric and Aimee's new Job in Virginia Beach... All transpired in a providential way...
This is a practise that is owned by a Christian, as opposed to the other, which is owned by a hospital...

Chambers House:
JP, Zach, Danielmatt, Christine...
Aaron Johnson, Smitty

Neighborhood kids
Little D.

Dan Shryock and judy standing there while Montez relieves himself against the wall over there...
...what to do when someone's relieving himself in public...

The Chambers house: God has his own plan for it... Our plans will be cool. But He has a plan... We're trying to stay... In the present, not the future...

Neighbors: Duane and Sam...

So there's the basic deal of how we met and what we talked about tonight. I hope you're blessed today...

Walk in the light!
