Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.
I received a visit from a local pastor, at the house, today. It was a deep blessing. Thank you for stopping by, brother, if you read this. i can't tell you what it means to be loved by the brethren in ministry.

This brother is a leader in a congregation where we baptized Tom. I'll attempt to attach a pic for you. But, anyway, this brother came by, "just to say hi". it was wonderful. We talked about school choices for Aaron. this pastor is also a teacher in cincinnati Public Schools (CPS). He really helped us get aware about which schools would work for Aaron. I also got a chance to talk to him about helping us find host families for ten-month high school exchange students.

But during the course of our conversation, he really blessed me with something. You may find it strange, but I think that sharing this with you may help introduce you to some of the dynamics working behind the leadership of grubbykupp...

Here's the upshot:
"Lew, you're such a pastor. You have gifts and..." (you get it) "...so why don't you join up with a denomination and get a salary and benefits and retirement going?" "you'd be so good at it, and people need you", "i want to see you in a building, with a congregation"... and so on. "they need you"... and so on.

You know, he's right. That may seem arrogant, or something, but it is true. The truth about me is that I am a servant of the Lord, a son of God, a teacher of the New Covenant, and other things that, if said here, might make you think I'm a bit off my rocker.
But I do have credentials that are convincing, compelling to those who know about the things of the Spirit. I have seen more than many, and the Spirit has given me real insights into key aspects of Church Life in our generation... It has been said that I really know the Scriptures well, and that my application of them to teaching is inspired...

But my REAL credentials are PEOPLE! You might be one of them. My real credentials don't hang on walls, or fit in files. They are YOU, if you are one. You know who you are. And you are not MY credentials. You are Letters of recommendation for Jesus! Written to all who can read the heavenly writing of the Spirit in your souls.

Last Sunday night our "meetingfull" gathered around Judy and me and prayed blessing over us as I received official recognition and ordination. For those of you who know my history, there has been a miraculous, true, and blessed reconciliation between myself and the Body of Christ group, in Florida. There has been true repentance and much growth among that group, and we have all emerged from the fires of the last couple of years. As for me, I've really grown and been changed by the experience that we share, as well. The sum of it is: God meant it for good! I really, truly believe that! You don't have to be privy to the details of this if you weren't near it (although it's an interesting story, if you ask) to see that God is operating through difficult circumstances to purify us and make us useful in receiving his love.

But today's conversation really helped me appreciate some things:

It's true! I am the Lord's servant, overseeing the church in our little corner. I love Him and his people. He is so in love with us! I'm tried and I'm true and that's that.

Joining a denomination, receiving a pastorate, parsonage, salary, benefits, retirement, continuing ed, degree, credentials, influence, reputation... it's all GOOD...
...when it's IN CHRIST. It means nothing at all. The only thing that matters is abiding in Jesus Christ. I will boast about his crucifiction! So, whether I get all that stuff someday, or remain gritty with mad street credit, all that matters is Christ, his death, body, blood, and empty hole in the ground.
All I am called to do will come from Abiding in Christ. That's my focus. that's my goal, to be found IN HIM.

While all that's okay, and I am the real deal, not a fake, How I respond to the reality of my gifting and calling must originate in WAITING, PRAYING, HOPING, FOLLOWING STEP BY STEP. How I steward the giftings of God shouldn't be adminstrated by my own understanding, but by a journey in the Spirit.

In 1 john 2:26-67, we are told that the Spirit is our teacher, empowering and teaching us to abide in Christ. I believe that this is mystical, intellectual, emotional, physical... the works!
I believe that there are so many Christians today who are in danger of eternal loss because their course isn't a product of abiding in Christ. They do all the right things, but not out of abiding. They are active, but not led by the Spirit. They loathe the waiting and hoping for the Spirit to come and lead... They fear inactivity and the loneliness of the wilderness... These are the inheritance of Spirit-people.

This is the course plotted for me, retirement or not. Nothing, not benefits, security, "memberships", reputation, is worth losing this intimacy. And it is likely that some, many, or even all these things will come with the journey. It's just not for me to say. It is for me to follow.

Who knows? The years may see me become an author, PhD, who knows what? I may become a "real" pastor, with a large church, or a network of house churches that reaches notable size... but woe to me if I boast in anything but the cross, and live anything but the "wind-life" of the Spirit...


1 comment:

  1. Were all, in some degree, pastors. But I know that the papers that go with being recognized by a church as being one can open doors that will be a blessing and a challange.
    But you are already an author, and Ph.D. just stands for a B.S. piled higer and deeper.
