Thursday, May 19, 2005

John Wallis

John Wallis
Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.
The grubbykupp community is anticipating a loss. Those of us who have basked in the light of the great mystery that is John Wallis, will soon have to drive up to Delaware to continue the tradition.

The great subverter is moving there to move on. He'll be working his architechture madness, assembling a team of guys to build creatively, pioneering an entire division in a company up there. They picked the right guy if they're looking for a guy who can get people on the same page about building outside the box.

John has contributed to the subversion of key players in the leadership of the GK house/community concept, as well as given father-hugs to us when we skin our knees in our battles with the heavenly principalities...

John and his wife Sydney, and their FIFTEEN (flippin' fifteen!) kids are moving up there within the next month or so... so we're really gonna feel this.

John has an MDIV from a hoity-toity bigdeal seminary in Chicago, has done all kinds of church stuff, written slews of stuff (check out his link in the sidebar), and has recently been misunderstood and undersupported as a campus minister, too... He was looking for a job in ministry at his local mall, i mean church, but they didn't have a place for a guy who powerfully subverts people back to the Spirit Life and models Christ in the adoption of five kids, and who has a theological degree, and is published. Not because they don't need someone, or can't afford to support, but because, "don't you think having that many kids is enough ministry?", or something like that.

Yep, John has been out of the box, and many feel that. It's a constant aroma of freedom--and you know, many who are slaves don't like the smell of freedom, with all its risks and responsibilities...

Yeah, I'm critical. Something that John helps me not to fear. John, we'll be together in the realms, on the blogosphere, but your physical absence and the inability to call you and see you the next day will really bug me. I'm so glad to have a friend i crave and miss...

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