Wednesday, May 3, 2006

An interesting word from our brother, Tertullian

Though we have a common treasure chest it’s not as if religion could be obtained at a price.
There is no compulsion, everything is voluntary.

And they are not withdrawn to be spent on feasts and drinking and eating but to support and bury poor people.
To help needy boys and girls, orphans, and shut in old folks.

They are to assist those who have suffered from shipwrecks, who are condemned to the mines, deported on the islands, or incarcerated.

Since we form but one heart and mind we do not hesitate to share our earthly goods with one another.
We hold all things in common except our wives.
And we should not give up our lives for money but our money for our life.

– Tertullian, 155-230 C.E., born, pastored, and died in Carthage. Known as 'father of Latin Church' - introduced the term 'Trinity' to the Church.

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