Thursday, May 18, 2006

Total Depravity Blues

Seems like truth gets lost on the total depravity doctrine...

We are totally depraved, totally beloved, and possessors of an EXtrinsic worth, as well as an INtrinsic worth.

That is, we are wonderfully made in the Image of God: INtrinsic
(built-in) worth.
We are also Beloved--O so dearly Beloved, beyond all reason or worth
that we have in ourselves: EXtrinsic worth.

Our INtrinsic worth is totally eclipsed, surpassed by our debt of sin and fundamental depravity, inherited from Adam's line.

Our worth-deficit is super-justified by Christ, who is the embodiment of Love Himself, on the cross. we now stand in peace with God through Christ. We are grafted in, beloved and secure, provided we stand firm in this hope, not giving way to despair, discouragement, or deception.

The key issue seems to me not to be making sure that everyone feels badly about themselves, but that the TRUTH about us be known... God is glorified in the Truth... not in self-abasement and false humility. Not in self-centered successism, either.

This was an excerpt from an email conversation that I wrote to brother Mike Rea, my man in FL...

Seeds of Thought for you, beloved reader.

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