Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Seth Broke his Arm today

Today, during a field trip at school, Seth fell on some playground steps and broke his two forearm bones, just above the wrist. Here they are in the car while he was sleeping... And at the end of the day, some 7 hours later, he's splinted and ready for school tomorrow, watching Diego's Wolf Pup Rescue.

To be utterly frank, this stuff is really okay with me. I'm his dad, and I'm so grateful for the lightness of such trials. We played Nintendo DS Spiderman and watched Tak on the TV at the hospital. We prayed for the baby who fell, and I got to share life with people behind the counters and behind the scenes in our city. Seth has an amazing tolerance to pain. He just kinda winced when we moved his hand this one way. Both bones were broken.
We're slated for a full casting dealio in a couple of days. No biggie. Isn't it wonderful? Makes me remember how kind our Father was to us around Aaron's double arm breaks in 2006. Love to all who love. Love to all who hate.

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