Saturday, September 22, 2007

too much to lose?

One time Bob Dylan got interviewed by Time Magazi I saw vid of that interview . One of the things Dylly said stuck with me:

"They've got too much to lose by printing the truth..."

in criticism of Time, and explanation of his opinion that it wasn't a source of true knowledge of what's happening in the world.
he thought a pic of a tramp vomiting into the sewer next to a pic of mr. rockefeller would do better at communicating to the world what's really hapening in the world.

What about us, the Church?
In America, we have much too much the same problem.
Credibility? To whom? Whose credibility have we lost?

Look at our buildings.
Look at our romance with power.
Look at our disconnection and distance from Jesus, in all his guises.
Look at our meetings and member swapping...

I think some of us have a LOT to lose by speaking the truth. Pastors, brothers and sisters, do you fear that loss?

My brother Brian's church is selling their building. They can't justify the inability to do the basics of Christian generosity for the sake of a brick and mortar identifier... niiiiiice. solid.

think on it...

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